Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Guides

The game barely makes any mention of these hidden abilities, but this guide will help you find them.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 17 August, 2022

Expeditions help the protagonist improve support levels with other characters, and this guide will help you optimize those gains.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 14 July, 2022

You're not just trapped with your house in Three Hopes - you can also recruit from outside it. Here's how to unlock all characters.
guide by Cullen Black on 04 July, 2022

Recruiting Byleth isn't just unlocking a fan-favorite character in Three Hopes - it's the path to the secret, true endings.
guide by Cullen Black on 04 July, 2022

If you want to see the true ending of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, you'll need to tread carefully in order to trigger hidden story routes. Here's how.
guide by Cullen Black and Kite Stenbuck on 04 July, 2022

The Dancer class requires a specific method to unlock, and here's how you do it.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 03 July, 2022

Just like Three Houses, each character in this game has their own list of preferred gifts. Here's how to make everybody very happy with a gift or two.
guide by Kite Stenbuck on 03 July, 2022

Breaking down the differences between Jeralt's Ring and the Merc Whistle.
guide by Cullen Black on 27 June, 2022