Tales of Arise - Dohalim Character Introduction Trailer

Bandai Namco has released the sixth character spotlight trailer for Tales of Arise highlighting Dohalim, a noble Renan who attacks with a polearm and astral artes.

You can check out the introduction below. We also have the previous Tales of Arise introduction trailers for AlphenShionneLaw, Rinwell, and Kisara.

Dohalim is a noble Renan who takes on his enemies in style. Striking with a flourish, Dohalim casts astral artes against his foes. This refined and cultivated man seeks to live in harmony with Dahnans, and will fight for this purpose.

Tales of Arise is set to release worldwide on September 10 for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC (Steam). 

For more on Tales of Arise, you can check out: