Octopath Traveler II Side Quests guide: Walkthrough for all Side Stories
Octopath Traveler II is filled with countless side quests. This guide will give you pointers on how to get started and complete all of the Octopath Traveler 2 side quests - which are so voluminous that you can certainly expect this to be a long page!
Each side quest is listed in this guide, divided up by region. Optional quests & side stories are marked with a yellow star on your map. The very first quest you'll recieve will always occur in your starting character's home region, and always involves retrieving a Traveler's Stolen Bag. This serves as a tutorial, and basically showcases that side quests in Octopath 2 are basically puzzles that require the use of Path Actions to solve.
If you ever lose count of the amount of side quests there are, or which you've completed, don't forget you can open your menu and check your journal. There, Octopath Traveler 2 handily sorts all of the side stories and quests by region - which is also exactly how we've formatted our guide. What a coincidence! So, here's every quest in the game:
Full Octopath Traveler 2 Side Quests & Side Stories guide

Below you'll find a list of all side quests in Octopath Traveler 2, plus brief instructions for how to complete and resolve each side story, plus their rewards. It's a long page, so be sure to use the anchor links to get around!
If you want more help with optional and missable side content in Octopath 2, be sure to check out our guides on the Secret Jobs, EX Skills, Hikari's Learned Skills, and the Crossed Paths storylines.

Toto'haha Region Side Quests
- Beastling Village
- Tropu'hopu
- Nameless Village
- ???
Winterlands Region Side Quests
- Cape Cold
- Winterbloom
- Stormhail
- Sundering Sea Lighthouse Island
Leaflands Region Side Quests
- Cropdale
- Wellgrove
- Timberain
Wildlands Region Side Quests
- Oresrush
- Unfinished Tunnel
- Gravell
Brightlands Region Side Quests
- New Delsta
- Clockbank
Crestlands Region Side Quests
- Flamechurch
- Montwise
- Merry Hills
Harborlands Region Side Quests
- Canalbrine
- Conning Creek
- Rogue Island
Hinoeuma Region Side Quests
- Sai
- Ku
Toto'haha Region Side Story guides
Beastling Village
- Objective: You will need Throne to steal a Beastling Amulet from a young beastling girl in the west side of the village. When you acquire the amulet, give it to the boy to complete the side quest.
- Client: Human Boy
- Reward: Critical Nut, Resistant Nut
- Objective: You will need to get the spicy chicken recipe for the client. This is done by using Osvald's scrutinize on a food vendor in Tropu'hopu: Floating Theatre.
- Client: Cooking Enthusiast
- Reward: 3000 leaves, Gluttonous Glaive
- Objective: You will need find a Pretty Pearl for the NPC. There are several locations to find the pearl, the easiest one is to have Agnea and look for a beastling in the east part of the village and then have Agnea charm her for the pearl.
- Client: Human Boy
- Reward: 15000 Leave, Cupid's Bow, Empowering Lychee (L)
- Objective: This is a really easy request, bring Ochette or Hikari and challenge the fisherman next to him. When you knock him out, the request will be completed.
- Client: Master Fisherman
- Reward: 4800 leaves, Slippery Nut (M)
- Objective: Head to the Floating Theater. Challenge the Stage Director in combat and win. The event scenes plays differently depending on who's Path Action you use to complete the quest.
- Client: Stage Director
- Reward: 4500 leaves, Physical Belt
Nameless Village
- Objective: Bring either Temenos or Agnea to have the Beastling from Nameless village tag along. There is someone who speaks the same gibberish language as him in the western part of the Beastling Village.
- Client: Beastling
- Reward: 10000 leaves, Stupefying Stone Axe
- Objective: This request will only appear after finishing Temenos' entire story. To complete this chapter you will need to find three things for Shirlutto. You will need a Lute, which can be found from a Merchant in Sai's Pub. Another item is the Paper Play, which is from a nun in the Flamechurch Chapel. The history book is from a merchant in Montwise.
- Client: Shirlutto
- Reward: 10000 leaves, Bow
- Objective: This request requires completing every character story in the game. You also must complete the starting request with traveler that has his bag stolen at the beginning of the game. Or else the next part of this quest will not appear. Then you will need to complete two more quest, Procurring Peculiar Tomes and From the Far Reaches of Hell. Both quest are from Montwise.
After completing the two request, you will gain access to the ultimate secret boss of this game. This is found in the island that east of Toto'haha Region that is marked with a ??? name. You will find the gates are unlocked. Go inside to encounter the secret boss of the game. This secret boss is only recommended for end game players with nearly maxed out stats and equipment. Defeating the boss will give you an accessory that disables random enemy encounters in the game. - Client: Traveler Al
- Reward: Spurning Ribbon
Winterlands Region Side Story guides
Cape Cold
- Objective: Speak to the troubled villager at the Cape Cold's entrance. You will need to find a midwife for him. Travel to Flamechurch and recruit the midwife in the inn. Bring her to the client to complete the request.
- Client: Flustered Villager
- Reward: 3000 leaves, Nourishing Nut
- Objective: After hearing the story of a robbed pebbler in the starting part of Eastern Cape Cold, use a canoe on the river to find a hidden pathway. There you will discover the Ruffian Hideout. Defeat the gang of ruffians and speak to the peddler to collect your reward.
- Client: Peddler
- Reward: 6000 leaves, Peddler's Feathered Cap
- Objective: Talk to the troubled woman to start the side quest. There is two methods to complete the quest, first method is to go to Oresrush's weapon shop. There is a miner there with a study pickaxe you can get with a Path Action. Bring the sturdy pickaxe to the woman to complete the side quest. Another method is to recruit enough people in your party so that you have a team of 8 people and then talk to the woman to complete the quest. This side quest is also part of the Armsmaster questline, and having the rusty weapon will start the Armsmaster questline.
- Client: Troubled Woman
- Reward: 7000 leaves, Rusty Sword, Revitalizing Jam
- Objective: After aquring the questline, head to the field map in Cape Cold. Look for a retired scholar during day time on the west side of Cape Cold. You will need either Throne or Partitio's field action to get the Silver Quill. Bring it back to the client to complete the quest.
- Client: Thoughtful Father
- Reward: 300 leaves, Magic Nut(M), Refreshing Jam
- Objective: This quest will only appear after fully completed Castti's entire story. Find Melia and head to the thieves' headquarters in the northside of town. Steal the letter and bring it back to Melia to complete the quest.
- Client: Melia
- Reward: Melia's Amulet
- Objective: When you enter the Stormhail general store, talk to shopkeeper's daughter, you will notice something is amiss. Bring a character like Throne that has a Path Action to knock out the woman beside her.
- Client: Shopkeeper's Daughter
- Reward: 12000 leaves, Sharp Nut (L), Slippery Nut (L)
- Objective: This side quest has two different methods to compete it. With different story beats on how you handle it. You can either steal the amulet on her so that she puts her ex behind her. Or you can look for her ex-lover, Eugis in Merry Hills and bring him to her to complete the quest.
- Client: Dismal Woman
- Reward: 14000 Leaves, Alluring Ribbon
Sundering Sea Lighthouse Island
- Objective: To start this quest, you will need to get a ship of your own. Travel to the Lighthouse Island which is located in the north center of the world's map. Talk to the Lighthouse Keeper's Wife to get the quest. Then travel to Timberain and look for a NPC named Ruby in the south zone, by the northern part of town by the bridge.
- Client: Lighthouse Keeper's Wife
- Reward: 6600 Leaves, Jade Dagger
Leaflands Region Side Story guides
- Objective: After picking up the quest from the weaver. Bring Osvald or Castti in your party, then look for the man outside of the village in the east part. Use your Path Action on the man, you will find out it's about a hidden item. With that information, you can find a hidden item in the watermill close by. Head inside and pick up the hidden item, Crop Tapestry Pattern. Bring it to the weaver to complete the request.
- Client: Weaver
- Reward: 3000 leaves, invigorating Nut, Inspiriting Plum (M)
- Objective: Knockout the drunkard in the bar with your Path Action to complete the request.
- Client: Tavern Assistant
- Reward: 4000 leaves, Prosperity Charm
- Objective: After picking up the request, travel to cropdale. Bring a character with a Path Action to inquire information. Then look for the Knowledgeable Villager by the bridge. Inquire information with your Path Action then bring the info to the cilent to complete the quest.
- Client: Considerate Youth
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Beastly Scarf
- Objective: After picking up the request, bring at least two people that can recruit with their Path Action. Look for the girl's mother in the center of town and recruit her. Then recruit the girl's stepfather in the north part of town. Recruit the two of them and talk to the girl to complete the side quest.
- Client: Brooding Girl
- Reward: 5000 Leaves, Charm of Compassion
- Objective: This request appears after completing Partitio chapter 4. Misha requires you gather some information about Alrond's night activities. Switch to night time and look for a Strolling Townsperson and bribe him with Hikari. You will get information about a man in the brown coat. Then switch to day time and use Osvald or Castti to inquire information on the Eager Townsperson. Bring the information to Misha to complete the request. This will also let you recruit Alrond with a path action. Alrond although not really strong, is one of the game's most exploitable NPCs. Alrond can come and spam EXP buffs from 2 to 100x more experience, this is required if you want to exploit speed run EXP grinding methods.
- Client: Misha
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Butler's Tailcoat
Mira and the Elderly Guard's Next Chapter
- Objective: This request appears after completing Throne's entire story. Travel to Wellgrove and talk to the Elderly Guard just east of the Item Shop. Bring someone that can recruit him with their Path Action like Temenos. Guide him and take the abandoned highway to Lostseed. When you're inside Lostseed, head west and take the stairs until an event occurs to complete the quest.
- Client: Elderly Guard
- Reward: 9000 Leaves, Vengeful Knife
- Objective: There are two possible solutions for this side quest, each leading to different outcomes. First, you can begin by speaking to Tiffany, who can be found in the northern part of Timberain. Listen to her troubles and then make your way to the Montwise Library located in the Crestlands. In the library, find Margello in the northern section and use a Path Action such as Guide to convince him to accompany you. With Margello by your side, return to Tiffany and have him speak to her to successfully finish the quest. Alternatively, you can choose to have either Castti or Oswald gather information from Margello's Aide regarding Margello's personality. Once you have acquired this information, share it with Tiffany, which will also bring the quest to completion. This particular choice will trigger a different outcome compared to the first solution.
- Client: Tiffany
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Mental Belt
- Objective: After picking up the quest near the courthouse, bring Temenos or Agnea. Then go to the bridge near the inn. Recruit the sickly woman and bring her to Meylan to complete the quest.
- Client: Meylan
- Reward: 11000 Leaves, Nourishing Nut(L) , Olive of Life(M)
- Objective: This quest will appear after completing Proof of Innocence. Talk to Meylan to pick up the quest. If the quest does not trigger, switch to night time. Go inside the courthouse to gather information. Then bring someone's Path Action to get information. Talk to the Remorseful Old Man just directly south of the courthouse. Use the path action to inquire some information, it will reveal a hidden item by the Inn. Pick up the item and give it to Meylan to complete the quest.
- Client: Meylan
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Critical Nut (L)
- Objective: This quest will appear after completing Proof of Guilt. Head inside the courtroom to get information. Then leave town through the east exit, and head to the small lake above, you will see a hidden item around the pier above. Pick up the hidden item which is the murder weapon. Then bring someone who can inquire information with their Path Action. Travel to New Delsta and look for the Dour Elderly Woman, shes in New Delsta Backstreets, who happens to be Meylan's aunt. Inquire information about her with the Path Action and then go to the courthouse with this information to complete the quest.
- Client: Spectator
- Reward: 30000 Leaves, Fortifying Nut(L), Magic Nut(L)
Wildlands Region Side Story guides
- Objective: After picking up the quest, go to the north side of the town. There is a man guarding a house, use a Path Action that can knock him, and open the treasure to find the stolen goods. Bring it to the Peddler to complete the quest.
- Client: Peddler
- Reward: 3000 Leaves, Light Nut, Healing Grape (M)
- Objective: To complete this quest, you will need to inquire some information from a list of NPC. This requires Osvald or Castt. Get information on the following people; Ned in the tavern, Harry outside near the inn and Nikki at the inn second floor. Return this information to Joe to complete the quest.
- Client: Joe
- Reward: 3500 Leaves, Invigorating Nut
Unfinished Tunnel
- Objective: This quest will automatically start when you enter the Unfinished Tunnel. The Unfinished Tunnel is accessible as soon as you're able to knock out the worker guarding the tunnel. Anyways, to complete the quest simply defeat the boss at the end of the dungeon.
- Client: Foreman
- Reward: 5000 Leaves, Resistant Nut (L)
In Search Of The Divine Weapons
- Objective: Knock out the debt collector that is blocking one of the house near the entrance. After knocking him out, speak to the blacksmith nearby. If you have a rusty weapon in your inventory, he will restore the weapon and will give you the Armsmaster Job. You will need to find all the rusty weapons to bring the full potential of this job. Check our Armsmaster guide for more detail related to this quest.
- Client: Retired Blacksmith, Porta
- Reward: Weapons and equipment part of the Armsmaster Job
- Objective: After picking up the quest, the youth wants to sneak out in some way. This requires you to switch to night time and knock out everyone that is outside.
- Client: Retired Blacksmith, Porta
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Gaudy Hat
- Objective: After picking up the side quest from the worried mother, you will need to bring Agnea into your party, this is required for later. Leave town through the west exit, and look for a set of ladders that lead you below to Ivory Ravine. This is optional dungeon filled with level 50 monsters. The missing girl is located at the end of the dungeon, but you will need to defeat a powerful optional boss before you can get to her. When you can talk to the girl, you will need Agnea to allure her to bring her back to town.
- Client: Worried Mother
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Sister's Amulet
- Objective: This request is only available after beating Ochette's story. You will find Alpione in Gravell. Approach her for an event. Then Bring Oswald or Castti. Head outside and look for a merchant, inquire information with Osvald or Castti about Hunting. Bring this information to Alpione to complete the request.
- Client: Alpione
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Alpione's Amulet
Brightlands Region Side Story guides
New Delsta Highroad
- Objective: This questline is part of the Inventor job quest. You will find a house to the east part of New Delsta Highroad. Inside there talk to the inventor, Arkar to get the inventor job. For more information on where to find the materials to unlock the full potential of this job, check our inventor guide.
- Client: Arkar
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Mechanical Top Hat
New Delsta
- Objective: Head to the west part of town where the slums are. There is man that wants to gamble, use a Path Action and knock him out to complete the request.
- Client: Concerned Wife
- Reward: Victory Ring, Energizing Pomegranate
- Objective: After picking up the request, Bring someone that can take an item from a NPC like Throne, Partitio or Agnea. Then look for the optional dungeon, Sunken Maw. This is found just below the Delsta river using the canoe. Inside there you will an elderly fisherman in a cabin near the end of the dungeon. Use a path action to take the special bait from him. With that you go to the end of the dungeon and use the Special Bati to fight a secret boss. After defeating it, bring the Delsta Devil to the chef to complete the request.
- Client: Tavern Cook
- Reward: 5000 Leaves, Chef's Ladle, Master Rod
- Objective: Go inside the house next to the inn. Talk to the wealthy boy couple times. Then bring Temenos to your party and travel to Canalbrine's Chapel. Find the boy's father and guide him. Bring the father to the boy to complete the request.
- Client: Weathly Boy
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Sharp Nut (M)
- Objective: After talking the cilent near the theater. There is two methods to complete this side quest. One method is to bring someone with a Path Action that can knock someone out. Then look for the girl hiding behind the tree, knock her out and talk to the cilent to complete the request. The second method is to travel to Crackridge, there is a suspicious merchant that carries a Miracle Stone. Bring someone with a Path Action (Throne, Partitio, Osvald, Agnea) that can take the item from him and bring it to the client to complete the quest.
- Client: Exhausted Man
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Dragon's Scarf
- Objective: This request appears after completing Agnea's entire story. Talk to Veronica in the west side of New Delsta. Then bring someone that inquire information with your Path Action. Travel to Sai and go inside the house to the left of the item shop. Inquire information about Platt's wife and bring this information to Veronica to clear the quest. You can also buy, steal or take a really nice Shield from Veronica after completing this quest.
- Client: Veronica
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Bodyguard's Vantage
- Objective: Bring Temenos to guide him, his beloved is actually his cat. The cat is found in the industry side on the west area.
- Client: Haggard Man
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Cait Powder
- Objective: There is two possible solution to this quest. The first solution is to travel to the Abandoned Village. There is a villager that has an item you can take to prove his identity. The other method to complete the quest is to travel to Montwise and bring someone with a Path Action to inquire information. Then for the Royal Historian in the Montwise Library, bring this information to the cilent to complete the request. Both version offers different story scenes.
- Client: Royal Descendant
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Resistant Nut (M)
For whom the Clock Tower Tolls
- Objective: Talk to the technician to start the request. Then have Temenos guide him with his Path Action. Head to the west part of town, there is a tiny pier that you can use. The canoe will lead you under the bridge and bring you to where the other side of the broken bridge. This will also let you access the clock tower which is a level 44 dungeon.
- Client: Clock Tower Technician
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Invigorating Nut (L)
Crestlands Region Side Story guides
- Objective: To complete the request you will need to bring 3 candles to him. There are various NPCs in town that carries a candle during the day time and Partitio or Throne can get the require candles for this old man. Completing this side quest will also remove random encounters in the path to the Cathedral.
- Client: Elder
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Resistant Nut (M)
Flamechurch - Cathedral
- Objective: This is a really simple request, just simply bring a Large Fire, Ice, and Thunder Soulstone to the cleric to complete the quest. These are found commonly throughout treasure chest around the world. So you will eventually have the materials in your inventory to complete the quest.
- Client: Cleric
- Reward: 8000 leaves, Psychic Staff
- Objective: This request will only appear after finishing Temenos' entire story. Go near Ort for an event scene. Bring someone that can knock someone out. Then follow Ort and it will lead you to the Cathedral Basement. Knock out the guard. Go inside the cathedral basement and defeat the enemies there to complete the side quest.
- Client: Ort
- Reward: 10000 leaves, Sword of Oaths
- Objective: Bring Temenos and use his Path Action to guide him. Bring him to the Octopus Enthusaist in the Conning Creek Tavern to complete the request. This quest is highly recommend on compeleting to have an easier time farming Octopuff enemies.
- Client: Octopus Researcher
- Reward: Octopuff Pot
- Objective: After getting the quest from the woman, head down to the underground arena. Then challenge the guard to the right. Defeat him and then take his place. You will face another boss, defeat the boss to complete the quest.
- Client: Worried Woman
- Reward: 2000 Leaves, Reinforcing Jam
- Objective: This request is part of the questline to unlock the ultimate secret boss. You will need to find three items for the tome specialist. The first item can be found by traveling to Crackridge. There is a scholar blocking the house, knock him out and take the From the Far Reaches of Hell. The second item is found in Beastling Village. Speak to the merchant near the save point, and have Partitio or Throne's path action take the Dispatches from Beastling Island from him. The third item is found by scholar standing outside before the hills to Stormhail Castle. Use the Path Action and take the The Curious Legend of the Great Wall from him. With the three items in hand, travel to Montwise Library, and donate the books to the tome specialist. Come back and talk to her again, you will find the books are stolen and will start the next quest, From the Far Reaches of Hell.
- Client: Unusual Tome Specialist
- Reward: 6500 Leaves, Librarian's Amulet, Refreshing Jam
- Objective: This request is part of the questline to unlock the ultimate secret boss. First you will also need to completed the side quest, Procurring Peculiar Tomes. With this request completed, travel to the Nameless Isle. This is the island just north of Nameless Village and should be accessible when you get the ship. Reach to the end of the area to encounter a boss fight. After defeating the boss, bring Osvald or Castti to inquire information about the scholar that you just rescued. It will impart you with knowledge on how to deciper lost langauges. Bring this information to Al in the right side of the Montwise Library to complete the request.
- Client: Al
- Reward: 4500 leaves, Coat of Arms, access to the ultimate secret boss after clearing all stories.
Merry Hills
- Objective: Inquire information on the Young Collector. Then travel to Timberain. Take the east exit and go to the lake by the north pier. In the small shrine lies a hidden item. Pick it up and to get a secret note. Then go to the House Mellows Manor south of Timberain. Switch to night time and look for a girl in the second floor and give her the mysterious box to complete the quest.
- Client: Young Collector
- Reward: 6666 Leaves, Reaper's Sickle
- Objective: This side quest will only appear after clearing Agnea's entire story and also after Temenos' Chapter 4. Start the request by talking to Laila in a bridge on Merry Hills. Then bring someone that can knock out with their Path Action. Follow Laila to the shrine for an event. Then complete the quest by knocking out the judge. After completing this quest, the dancer NPC Hermes appears on the map that has really nice helment you can get with your Path Action.
- Client: Laila
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Laila's Amulet
Harborlands Region Side Story guides
- Objective: Bring someone that has a Path Action to recruit him during the day time. Switch to night time to find his brother to complete the quest.
- Client: Waiting Youth
- Reward: 3000 Leaves, Magic Nut, Empowering Lychee
- Objective: After getting information from the client. Bring someone with a Path Action that can take items. Then travel to Beasting Bay: Anchorage. Check the Ferry Staff and take the Bottle of White Powder from her and bring it to the cilent to complete the quest.
- Client: Young Traveler
- Reward: 4000 Leaves, Critical Nut (M)
- Objective: This is a simple quest, talk to Lighthouse Keeper. You will find all the materials you need in the Sundering Sea Lighthouse Island. This requires a ship of your own to get there. The materials are located in the treasure chest inside the lighthouse. Bring all the materials to the cilent to complete the quest.
- Client: Town Lighthouse Keeper
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Lighthouse Keeper's Bandana, Tough Nut (L)
Conning Creek
- Objective: Find the Grape Farmer in Western Conning Creek Highway. Talk to him to get a hint. Bring Osvald or Castti to your party. Then travel to Cropdale's tavern, there is someone you can inquire information for grape farming advice. Bring this information to the farmer to complete the quest.
- Client: Grape Farmer - Conning Creek Coast
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Nourishing Nut (M)
- Objective: To complete this request, you will need either Throne or Castti for their night time Path Action. Talk to the fisherman at the coast area to start the quest. Wait several mins for the time to change. Thieves will appear and you will need to use the Path Action to knock out the thieves. When the thieves are knocked out, talk to the fisherman to complete the request.
- Client: Head Fisherman
- Reward: 6000 Leaves, Fortifying Nut (M)
- Objective: Use Osvald or Castti to inquire the girl to know her wish. Then travel to the smaller chapel in Borderfall the place where you get the Cleric License. Inquire information on the cleric novelist. Then travel to New Delsta and get the Deluxe Crepe with a Path Action from the crepe maker near the theater entrance. Travel to Timberain and bring Temenos with you. Head to the north part of Timberain and look for a NPC named Roland near the fountain. Guide him with Temenos and bring him to the girl to complete the quest.
- Client: Apathetic Girl
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Vest of Joy, Revitalizing Jam
- Objective: This quest will only appear after finishing both Osvald and Ochette's entire story. Once you do, you can find Lady Clarissa in Conning Creek Outskirts. Recruit her and bring her to the Beastling Village to complete the quest.
- Client: Lady Clarissa
- Reward: 9000 Leaves, Well-Worn Pole
Rogue Island
Floyd and Thurston's Next Chapter
- Objective: This request will only appear after finishing Partitio's entire story. Once you do, look for Thurston in Rogue Island. Then look for Floyd in the headquarters and knock him out with a field action.
- Client: Thurston
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Floy's Neo Bow
Hinoeuma Region Side Story guides
- Objective: Talk to the carpenter in the east part of town. Bring a character that can take items with their Path Action. Then travel to Canalbrine Tavern, take the item from the man in the center. Bring the plans to the Carpenter to complete the request. This will also fix the wood planks nearby giving you access to the treasures (Refined Sword and Battle Hatchet).
- Client: Master Carpenter
- Reward: 6500 Leaves, Tough Nut (M)
Sword Hunter in the Decaying Temple
- Objective: Talk to the warrior on the north part of the village. Then you will need to alone in your party, you can not bring anyone else. Then leave Sai through the south exit. Then take the east exit and head to the north part of the map and look for the Decaying Temple. You can only access this temple when you're alone and that also no recruits either. Challenge the boss when you're alone, this is a level 40 Boss and can be pretty rough without the proper preparation. Defeat the boss and bring the Keepsake Sword to the Young Warrior to complete the quest. You can also steal the Sword from the warrior's possession if you want to use the sword.
- Client: Young Warrior
- Reward: 12000 Leaves, Refreshing Jam
Ku (Accessible After Beating Hikari's Story)
- Objective: Pick up the quest from the Treasurer inside the house before the castle. Afterwards, bring someone that can take items with their daytime Path Action. Travel to Canalbrine and look for the Suspicious Peddler near the ship. Steal or buy the Dragon Vase from him. Then get the second treasure by traveling to Crackridge Harbor. Buy or steal the Phoenix Fan from the Suspicious Man. Bring the treasures to the cilent to complete the quest.
- Client: Treasurer
- Reward: 15000 Leaves, Staff of Carnage
- Objective: Talk to the two childhoods friends. You will need to challenge them to a duel or provoke them with your Path Action. Knock them both out to complete the request.
- Client: Childhood Friend
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Shield of Strength, Spear of Strength
- Objective: There are two methods to complete this side quest after picking it up, The first method is to knock out the horse thief located in Eastern Wellgrove Trail. Another method to complete the quest is to guide a horse trainer in Oresrush and bring him to the horse lender.
- Client: Horse Lender
- Reward: 20000 Leaves, Light Nut (L)
- Objective: This quest will automatically occur when you enter the Five-Tiered Tower. This requires overcoming a boss gauntlet. Defeating the boss at the very end will reward you the Conjurer job class along with other items. For more information related to this quest, check our Conjurer job guide.
- Client: Guide
- Reward: 20000 leaves, Conjurer's Raiment
- Objective: This quest will only show up after completing Agnea's entire story. Talk to Mikka just before Ku Castle. Then talk to Benkei nearby to gather information. Then bring Temenos to your party. Travel to Cropdale and go inside Agnea's house. Guide Pala to Mikka. Mikka's earrings will get stolen by a bandit. Bring Throne to steal it back to complete the quest.
- Client: Mikka
- Reward: 10000 Leaves, Mikka's Amulet x1
Edit: Added some extra detail and missing quest thanks to our readers.