Final Fantasy VI Guides

The Magic Master is an ominous and challenging enemy, but with the right strategy you can shred this FF6 boss in minutes.
guide by James Galizio on 22 April, 2023

Summons make a triumphant return in FF6 as Espers. To unlock them, you'll need their Magicite. This guide has all Esper locations to do so - and more.
guide by James Galizio on 22 April, 2023

The Coliseum isn't just a way to pass time - it's actually one of the ways to get many of the best items in FF6. We'll help you to place the best bets to win the best stuff.
guide by James Galizio on 21 April, 2023

Here's a (relatively) quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy VI.
guide by Adam Vitale on 07 March, 2022