Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough - Where to go, missable bestiary entries and chests, blue magic, step-by-step guide
The Pixel Remaster release of Final Fantasy VI is now available for PC and mobile devices. If you are looking to 100% the game and get all achievements, we're here to help.
This walkthrough is a minimalist bullet point guide for those who don't want to dive into a dense lengthy walkthrough, but also for those who don't want to miss anything that will prevent you from getting 100% bestiary and chests. For most dungeons, the provided in-game map is all you need for dungeon exploration, and these maps will tell you if you've obtained all the chests/items in an area. Simply open it up to take a look where chests are. However, a handful of dungeons do have secret passageways leading to extra rooms and chests, so we'll point these out from time to time.
Final Fantasy VI has quite a bit more to keep track of in a guide such as this. Due to the game's story structure, there are more things that can be missed at key points in the game.
What this walkthrough will do:
- Offer a minimalist walkthrough so you know what you need to do at any point in the game.
- Point out missable treasure chests and enemies so you can complete the game 100%.
- Point out the earliest times Lore Magic can be obtained.
What the walkthrough will not do:
- Offer anything more than the most rudimentary introduction strategies for bosses or party build.
- In-depth Dungeon Walkthroughs. Some dungeons in FF6 Pixel Remaster are slightly tricky, and we'll offer a few quick guides, but nothing more than the minimum needed to get through and grab all the chests.

Most towns have both items and chests that can be found by the player. The in-game map doesn't point out where these are exactly, but it does track how many you have found in each town and how many are left to find. For the most part, this guide will not point out where exactly these items/chests are, unless they are especially tricky, because most can be found with relatively little trouble just by searching normally. Most items are invisible and can be found in grass, pots, and the like around town.
This guide will also note any item that is missable.
Unlike my previous guides that specifically listed missable bestiary entries, for Final Fantasy VI, I will just list all of the enemies available as you go. However, I won't list enemies that you are required to fight, since it's impossible to miss them. Also, note for the game's bestiary that it is shared across files, so you do not necessarily have to get all enemies in one save file. You can load earlier saves if needbe to get entries you may have missed. So it is a good idea to use multiple save slots, just in case.
1. Introduction and Narshe
Narshe / Narshe Mine
- Go up and fight forced battles until you get to the cave. There's a Save Point here.
- In the cave, move up and interact with the gate. You'll fight boss Ymir. Don't attack the shell.
- Wererat
- Bandit
- Inspect the crystal for a scene. When you wake up in the house, first, check the clock for an Elixir, then leave.
- Follow the one-way path to a different part of the mine.
- Spritzer
- You can grab two chests here. However, note that you can wait on this and these chests will change into different items later. I actually recommend this, and these chests will never be inaccessible, so don't worry about missing them. There are a handful of chests that work like this in the early game, and I'll point these out.
- Then a lengthy scene will take place. Then, you have three parties to work with to defeat enemies.
- Mog can learn Twilight Requiem, as long as you use his party at least once here.
- You can take Mog's Mythril Shield and Mythril Spear now if you want.
- After the event, you'll be at the entrance to Narshe. Head inside the nearby "Beginner's" building. You can find an HP/MP full heal, an Ether/monster-in-a-box in the first room, a chest in the middle room, and a chest in the left room.
- Item Collection Note: You should have 3/10 chests and 2/3 items in Narshe. You can have 2/3 chests in Narshe Mines (unless you left them alone, which is perfectly fine) and 0/1 items. You'll get the rest later.
World Map - Outside of Narshe / Near Figaro
- Enemies in Area
- Leaf Bunny (grass)
- Darkwind (grass/forest)
- Sand Ray (desert)
- Alacran (desert)
- Be sure to head into the Chocobo Stable to the SW of the Desert. This is an optional area, but you want to visit all these areas for the Adventurous Wayfarer achievement.
2. Figaro, South Figaro Cave, and South Figaro
Figaro Castle
- This section is mostly scenes. Head straight up to the throne room for a scene by speaking with Edgar.
- Afterward, go down to the previous room. From here, the upper left staircase, left door, and right door all lead to chests, 4 chests in total.
- The rest of the items in Figaro Castle, listed on your Item Collection, you'll get much later, and cannot be missed. You can also buy a few items here, but all will be available later, too.
- Then, go down one more screen, through the left door, heal up, then down the stairs, then to the building to the left. Speak to the woman here for a scene.
- Return to the throne room and talk to Edgar. When you have control of Edgar, speak to the guards, then with Kefka, then up north to Locke. As Terra, follow Locke to your room and speak with him.
- Once in control of Edgar again, speak with Kefka and then the guard up north.
- After the scenes, you'll fight two magitek (use Autocrossbow)
- Once on Chocobos, head to the cave at the south of the map.
South Figaro Cave
- Use your map to get three items in this cave. However, like Narshe, these chests will upgrade if you wait, which they'll change to better items. They'll never be inaccessible, so don't worry about missing them. Center south stairs lead to the exit.
- Foper
- Hornet
- Urok
World Map - South Figaro Area
- Head to the town of South Figaro to the south.
- Unseelie
- Belmodar
- Mu
South Figaro
- There are a total of 7 items to grab in barrels/crates outside. However, like Narshe and South Figaro Cave, these items will change if you wait to pick them up. They'll never be unaccessible.
- Note that chests do NOT change, so be sure to grab them.
- Enter the upper left house, go upstairs and in the first door, then head behind the bookcase. In this secret area, you can find six chests.
- Note an empty room with a chair and a bucket, for later.
- Leave the house via the lower-right door for a 8th item outside, if you want to pick it up now. Then head up along the east side of the building to a secret room with the 9th item.
- The 10th item is in house lower left of the item shop.
- Talk to Shadow in the bar for a scene
- You can buy armor/equip/tools. The relics are pretty basic, I would grab the Spring Shoes at least.
- Should have 10/10 items (unless you are waiting to pick these up) and 6/13 chests. Again, none of these items are missable. You'll get the remaining chests in Locke's Scenario, soon.
3. Mount Kolts and the Returner Hideout
Duncan's Cabin
- Duncan's Cabin is north of South Figaro.
- One item here in a bucket. Can heal for free.
Mount Kolts
- A linear dungeon. Three of the four chests you can get before fighting the boss Vargas, use your map to find them. One of them is behind a somewhat hidden path in the cave with the bridge. The 4th chest is after the boss.
- When fighting Vargas, Sabin will show up. As the tutorial says, use the Raging Fist Blitz command to win.
- Cirpius (outside)
- Gorgias (inside and outside)
- Trillium (outside)
- Zaghrem (inside)
Returner Hideout
- Talk to Banon for a scene. Then as Terra, you can explore and collect all 6/6 chests and 3/3 items (one behind a hidden path in the crate/chest room).
- Note, if you find a piece of scrap paper under the table, it doesn't do anything besides affect a tiny scene later.
- Talk to your party members, then talk to the guard at the SW.
- When you speak with Baron, you have a chance to say Yes or No. You want to keep saying No.
- Saying Yes will get you the Gauntlet Relic. Saying No three times will give you the Genji Gloves. The Genji Gloves are rarer, so do that.
Lethe River
- Follow the path to the river (consider putting Banon in the back row). No items. Go Left and then Left when given the options.
- This part can be somewhat tough if you haven't trained Edgar/Terra/Sabin much. Have Edgar use Auto Crossbow, Sabin Aura Cannon, Terra attack, and Banon Pray.
- When you fight Ultros, have Terra use Fire. You can have everyone in the back row, too.
- Lesser Lopros
- Nautiloid
- Exocite
You'll then end up at a scenario selection screen. You have to eventually do all three. We'll start with Locke.
4. Locke's Scenario
- Don't talk to the guys in the Magitek Armor, you'll probably die.
- Head into the item shop and fight the merchant, use steal to take his clothes.
- Head south into the house, downstairs, the kid will let you through. Then, head all the way to the NW part of the city, on the upper level. Fight the green Cadet, steal his clothes.
- Head south of the mansion and talk to the guard by the crates.
- Head into the pub, down the stairs. Fight the merchant, steal his clothes, take the cider on the table.
- Take the cider to the old man in the house south of the Item Shop (through a back door entrance you came out of earlier). Then talk to the kid with the password "Courage".
- You'll be taken to the secret area you were in earlier. In the empty room from before, you'll now find Celes. Free her, steal the key.
- In the room with the treasure before, examine the broken clock to open a new area. This area will have random encounters.
- Commander
- Vector Hound
- In the new area, use your map to find all chests. Go down the western stairs for 3 more chests, including a hidden Ribbon south of the X-Potion. Then leave via the East stairs.
- You should have all chests and items for South Figaro now.
- You can rest up at Duncan's Cabin before heading to South Figaro Cave.
South Figaro Cave
- There are new enemies here, meet these before you fight the Tunnel Armor at the other entrance.
- Cartagra
- Acrophies
- Gold Bear
- The items in chests here have upgraded if you left them from before. However, they can upgrade further if you leave them be even longer, so might as well wait. They are not missable chests for your Item Collection.
- At the front entrance, near the healing pond, you'll find Tunnel Armor. Use Celes' Runic to avoid getting zapped.
5. Sabin's Scenario
This is the longest of the three scenarios.
- Head to the cabin nearby. Recruit Shadow, even though he may leave at any time. Don't need to bother equipping him, but I recommend buying 5 shuriken or so, for later.
- Follow the one-way path on the overworld to the Doma imperial camp, which is in a tiny patch of desert.
- Aepyornis (grass, forest)
- Chippirabbit (grass)
- Nettlehopper (grass, forest)
- Stray Cat (grass, forest)
- After entering the Imperial Camp, you'll see a scene, and things will transfer over to Doma Castle, where you take control of Cyan.
Doma Castle
- As Cyan, take on the Captain. Use his Fang ability.
- You can fight Imperial Soldiers too if you want, but you'll be forced to fight some with Sabin & Shadow soon enough, so don't worry about getting it in your Bestiary.
Imperial Camp
- You can explore the Imperial Camp without fighting unless you actually talk to a guard, so don't worry about getting 'spotted' or whatever.
- Go to the east to find a tent with a chest in it.
- If you hit the chest, it will open after a scene. If you kick the chest, you'll have to fight Dobermans first. They don't have a bestiary entry, but they do have a Rage for Gau later, so you probably want to beat them up. So I suggest kicking the chest.
- Go south to see a scene with General Leo. Then try to head south again for a scene with Kefka. You sorta fight Kefka, but he'll flee after one attack
- Before taking on Kefka again, explore to the west to find a tent with a Mythril Glove as well as a Monster-in-a-Box.
- The Satellite enemy here is reasonably tough. Use Aura Cannon and Shuriken.
- Then, head north of the tent to find a ledge you can jump down. Here you'll find a 4th chest containing a Barrier Ring, completing the 4/4 Item Collection for this area. Make sure you get this now.
- Now chase down Kefka a few times, fight a forced battle with Imperial Soldiers and Templars, then the scene switches back to Cyan.
Doma Castle
- Head down the stairs to the north for a scene.
- You can grab one item at this point. Head down the carpeted stairs south of the throne room and into a room to the South East. You can find a Remedy. The rest of the items here in Doma Castle you'll get later.
- To proceed, head into the room just East of the Throne Room.
Imperial Camp
- Talk to Cyan several times for forced fights, which are easy.
- Then you'll get into Magitek Armor for a few more forced fights. Head out the north end of the camp. On the world map, head south to the Phantom Forest.
Phantom Forest
- There are no items in the forest section. Simply follow along the path, making sure you fight the two enemies here. When you reach a fork, head NE (S will place you back at the beginning).
- Ghost
- Poplium
- When you reach the Phantom Train, head inside. Then try leaving for another scene.
Phantom Train
- Head East for a save point and a Tent item (be sure to get this as it can easily be missed!). You can recruit ghosts to fight with you, who can possess enemies and KO them at the expense of their own life(?). Some of the other ghost NPCs will attack and some are shops.
- Keep heading west until a ghost appears blocking the path behind you. Talk to him to fight him.
- Then you encounter a sequence in which ghosts continue to chase you. You'll be forced to jump ahead a few cars (as long as you got the one Tent previously mentioned, you're good for Item Collection).
- Eventually, you'll encounter a dining car. The food will heal you to full. Grab the Earring from the other side of the car, and continue on.
- The upcoming cars have several rooms you can enter. You'll find 4 more chests and the last tent in these rooms, which should finish your Item Collection here.
- Be careful that one of the chests has a fight with an Apparition who is fairly tough.
- If you have both Earrings available so far, you can equip both on Sabin, which will power up his Aura Cannon. This is actually useful to keep in mind for a while.
- There's also a forced battle with Siegfried, who is literally a joke.
- In any case, before you reach the engine car, you should have all chests/items and the following enemies. Make sure of this via your map menu.
- Angel Whisper (inside)
- Living Dead (inside)
- Bomb (outside)
- Cloud (outside)
- Oversoul (found in car after detaching rear cars)
- Flip the 1st and 3rd levers inside the engine, then one last lever near the smokestack.
- To kill Phantom Train, use a Phoenix Down.
Cave to Baren Falls
- Simply head up for a scene. Shadow will leave. Then jump off the waterfall.
- You'll fight fishes and a boss fish as you fall.
The Veldt / Mobliz
If you aren't familiar, the Veldt area (the big green field on the overworld with the Jungle-y music) works differently than most other areas. There are no new enemies here. Instead, you can encounter any normal enemy you've met before here. The whole purpose of the Veldt to is to train Gau's Rage skill, which you'll see shortly. Also keep in mind, you gain no EXP on the Veldt, though you do gain Gil and AP. This can be useful if you want to gain money or AP, but want to hold off on EXP until you get Espers.
- First, head east to the town of Mobliz. There are many good items here to buy, and consider buying not only for your current team, but your other party members as well. Also, buy a few Dry Meats, for Gau.
- The town's lone collectable item is an Elixir in a NE house, in the clock.
- Note, you can heal for free in a bed in the Relic shop.
- There's a mini-quest here too, for a Tintinnabulum Relic.
- Talk to an injured soldier in the NW house and bring him the letter on the nearby desk.
- Then, to mail letters for him, talk to the man near the clock in the nearby house and spend 500 gil.
- You essentially need to repeat this process a handful of times to proceed with the quest.
- In order to trigger the next phase of the quest as you go, simply talk to any shopkeeper.
- So basically, keep talking to the injured soldier, mailing letters, while talking to shopkeepers to activate the next part of the mini-quest. You'll eventually get the Tintinnabulum.
- Back on the Veldt, fight enemies until Gau appears. Don't attack him, else you'll have to find him again. Throw the Dried Meat at him to recruit him.
- You'll get a primer on Gau's skills.
- Basically, use Leap into an enemy group to have Gau learn their skills. He'll disappear for a while, but fight a few battles and he'll appear randomly at the end of a battle.
- He'll learn the Rage skill for the enemies in the group he Leap-ed into, as well as the enemies in the battle he returns from. All the battles in between are not learned.
- [Note in the Pixel Remaster, there's an achievement to learn 50 Rages. You'll want to save this for later, after you've fought more enemies.]
- The Stray Cat Rage for Gau is pretty good, consider getting it.
- You can also get Green Berets by defeating more Satelites.
- Head into the nearby cave when ready.
Crescent Mountain Cave
- There are no enemies here or items that count for collection here. There are a few scenes to see with Gau.
- In the NW, you'll lose 500 Gil.
- W you'll get a potion.
- E you'll get a diving helmet. Then you'll automatically move to the Serpent Trench.
Serpent Trench
- This is basically a linear path. Take the RIGHT fork both times, and you should be able to grab the X-Potion and Green Beret along the way, along with the three enemy types here.
- Anguiform
- Aspiran
- Actinian
- There's only one item to find here, an Elixir in a clock in the Inn.
- Otherwise, there is a new weapon at the shop, a new armor at the shop, and a new relic at the shop.
- When done, head to the boat and leave for South Figaro.
6. Terra/Edgar's Scenario
- Probably the shortest of the three scenarios.
- You'll start on Lethe River and have to fight some enemies. Then you'll be able to re-enter Narshe.
- Head through the mine cave that Locke rescued Terra from at the beginning of the game. Follow the linear path to the second cave. Here you can find two more enemies.
- Valeor
- Wild Rat
- You'll eventually come to the 'Security Checkpoint'. Here, you have to follow a light to get through the room without encountering a battle. If you get caught, you'll have to fight. These enemies don't have bestiary entries BUT they do have Rages, so you may want to fight them at least once.
- Specter
- Eukaryote
- Darkside
- After getting through here. You can enter a room you couldn't before. Now full of Moogles. Here, you can find the 3rd and last chest, containing a Rune Blade.
- However, if you wait to pick up the chest later, you can get a Ribbon.
- The Rune Blade can eventually be bought, and Ribbons can eventually be stolen, so it's not like either are limited. Choose what you'd like. I'd just wait. It's not missable.
- You may notice there is one other item (non-chest) listed for the Item Collection on your map. You'll get this later.
- Make your way to Arvis' house.
7. Finding Terra (Kohlingen, Jidoor, Zozo)
Defend Banon
- After completing Locke's/Terra's/and Sabin's scenario, you'll see a scene and then have to split up your party again to defend Banon.
- I suggest a team of Locke/Celes/Sabin/Edgar, but it doesn't matter. Equip the items you bought in Mobliz.
- Defeat all the enemies to make sure you get all the proper bestiary entries, then take on Kefka.
- In the Pixel Remaster, there's a healing pot near Banon if you need it.
- Heavy Armor
- Fidor
- Corporal
- Hunting Hound
- Hell's Rider
- After some scenes, Terra leaves, and you'll be free to explore Narshe.
- Go to the house south of Arvis' to grab more chests, with one locked for the time being. Then, head to the house on the far west side of town to get an Elixir in a clock.
- You should now have 9/10 chests and 3/3 items for Narshe. None of these are missable, and you'll get the last one later.
- There are a few new weapons to buy, and new shields. Stock up before heading to Figaro Castle.
- Stop by the nearby Chocobo Stable if you haven't already.
Figaro Castle
- You can't get the other items or chests here just yet (you should have 4 chests). If you bring Sabin and Edgar, you can get an additional scene if you sleep in the beds.
- You can buy new tools for Edgar, as well as usual items.
- When ready, you want to speak to the old man in the SW room, who will flip a switch and move the castle to near Kohlingen.
- This town is just to the north as you leave Figaro Castle, after moving the castle.
- There's an item in the NW house, and a chest in the NE house, via a secret back entrance. This should complete Item Collection here.
- If you have Locke, you can see a bonus scene in each of these houses.
- The only new item to buy is a Twist Headband.
- Shadow is here to recruit if you have a less-than-full party, but otherwise don't worry about him.
Kohlingen/Jidoor Overworld Area
- Make sure to stop by the Dragon's Neck Cavern to the north and pick up the Hero's Ring there, the lone item for the area.
- Also, stop by the nearby Chocobo Stable for the map achievement.
- Then, make your way south to Jidoor.
- Bloodfang (grass)
- Vulture (grass)
- Rock Wasp (forest, grass)
- Iron Fist (forest, grass)
- Paraladia (forest)
- Fossil Dragon (desert)
- Sand Ray (desert, if you didn't get already)
- Alacran (desert, if you didn't get already)
- The lone hidden item here is an Ether inside a pot in the N-most mansion, on the NE side indoors.
- There are new weapons and armor to buy.
- Note that the White Dress is technically missable if you never buy it before going to the World of Ruin.
- Then head north to Zozo.
- Note that everyone in Zozo is lying to you, and that there are random encounters here.
- Veil Dancer
- Gobbledygook
- Hill Gigas
- Harvester
- First go to the Pub, go up the stairs to the room on the right, then right again to get an Ether.
- Then go to the Armor Shop (use your map to find it) to get a Potion
- Then go to the Inn. Enter 6:10:50 on the clock to get Chainsaw for Edgar.
- Then go to the Relic Shop and head up the stairs. Skip the first open door and go to the next closed door to get a Brigand's Glove.
- Return to the open door and hop west a few buildings and enter. Here, go to the pots in the NW to get an Ether and Hi-Potion. Then leave South.
- Back outside, head upstairs and hop back to the east building, then upstairs and in the door. Then go up stairs indoors and back outside.
- The next door up will have a Burning Fist weapon for Sabin. Continue moving up.
- You'll fight a boss Dadaluma. He's pretty easy. Remember that dual-earring Aura Cannon is pretty powerful.
- In the room after this you'll find two more chests, which should complete your item collection for the area (check your map to be sure).
- Speak with Terra on the bed for a scene, pick up the Magicite, then leave for another scene. You'll have to recreate your party, I like to stick with Locke/Celes/Sabin/Edgar.
- Make sure to equip Magicite, as you get stat-ups when you level up with some Magicite equipped. Magicite is part of the summon system - and there's lots to collect all game. We cover it in this guide, but we've also got a separate FF6 Espers & Esper Locations guide if you need it. Keep this in mind. Also, the Stamina stat is useless, don't bother training it up.
8. The Opera House Sequence
- Return to Jidoor. The only thing to do here is to talk to the person inside the mansion, and then examine the letter. Then leave and head to the Opera House to the south.
Opera House Sequence
- There are no items here, no random encounters, so this is mostly a sequence of events.
- First speak with Impresario for a scene.
- Then once the opera starts and you gain control of Locke, head to the dressing room for a scene.
- During Celes' song you'll need to remember the lines. They are:
- O my hero...
- I'm the darkness...
- Must my...
- Then you must press a button in some very lite QTEs for the remainder of the song.
- You'll eventually regain control of Locke. Read the letter on the ground in the dressing room, then return to Impresario in the auditorium.
- You have 5 minutes to stop Ultros. Head to the NE room and talk with the Stage Manager. Flip the switch on the far right only, don't touch the others. Then return to the auditorium and head through the NW door.
- You need to make your way to Ultros. Fight one of enemies to add Goetia and Stunner to your bestiary, but otherwise try to avoid them for time purposes.
- Ultros is easy.
- After some scenes, you are now on Setzer's airship. Speak with him and then you'll find yourself on a new continent to the South.
9. The South Continent (Albrook, Maranda, Tzen, Vector)
- There are several new enemies on this continent
- Joker (grass)
- Don (grass)
- Bug (desert)
- Fossil Dragon (desert, if you didn't get already)
- Litwor Chicken (forest)
- Wyvern (forest, grass)
- Grasswyrm (grass, west side)
- Your eventual goal is Vector in the middle of the continent, but you can enter Albrook to the south, Maranda to the west, Tzen to the north, and even an Imperial Observation Post to the East.
- You can't do anything at the Observation Post yet, except fight a Sergeant and Mega Armor, Proto Armor if you want to add it to your bestiary right now.
- In Albrook, there is a item in the clock in the pub, and item in the weapon shop, two chests in the armor shop, and an item in a barrel near the Inn. There are new weapons and armor too. There's one item you won't be able to get yet, in the port.
- In Maranda, there is an item in a crate to the west, and an item in a crate to the SE. The weapon selection here is a little bit different too.
- Tzen has nothing unique, but still be sure to visit it for the Adventurous Wayfarer achievement.
- Also, be sure to visit a Chocobo Stable near Maranda and another Chocobo Stable near Tzen for the Adventurous Wayfarer achievement.
- Also, enter the BlackJack, in case it counts for the exploration achievement. It also has a shop and free heal.
- When done fighting enemies, buying items, and exploring the nearby towns, enter Vector in the center of the continent
- Speak to a soldier to fight a Sergeant and Belzecue, if you want, but you'll run into plenty of these later.
- Speak to a Magitek Soldier to fight a Proto Armor and Onion Knights, if you want, but you'll run into plenty of these later
- There are no items, and shops have nothing to offer if you went to Maranda/Tzen.
- To continue, speak to an old man near a box to the east. Then jump on the beams, then move north.
Magitek Factory
- This is a dungeon area with 12 chests. Since this dungeon is a little bit more complex, I'll give step by step instructions.
- Proto Armor (first two rooms)
- Onion Knight (first two rooms)
- Sergeant (first two rooms)
- Belzecue (first two rooms)
- Flan (Esper room)
- Trapper (Stair room after Espers)
- General (Stair room after Espers)
- Go down two flights of stairs, then go straight left into a pipe. You'll end up near a chest with Flametongue (1/12).
- Then, wait for the hook to the right to come close, and use it to cross the gap. Then head down the pipe to the SE for an Ether (2/12).
- Then, go down the pipe next to that one. You'll end up near an X-Potion (3/12).
- Head east across the conveyor belt to a Thunder Blade (4/12). Then go south for a Remedy (5/12). Jump on the nearby conveyor to go to the next screen.
- Don't go on the conveyor to the right yet. Instead, head SW a bit to a Dragoon Boots (6/12). Then, go up the stairs and through a door to a different section of the first room. Grab Golden Shield (7/12).
- Return to the second room (before you got the Dragoon Boots) and go up the stairs at the very top end, to the right. You'll see a bunch of crates, and there's a secret path between some of them (use your map).
- In this secret room, you'll find Icebrand (8/12) and Zephyr Cloak (9/12). Jump back into the secret passage and continue south. You'll end up back near the conveyor you've avoided until now.
- [Quick Save just in case, as this next conveyor sometimes glitches]. Take the east Conveyor now. You'll end up seeing a scene with Kefka. Once that's done, head to the elevator on the right side (NOT the conveyor on the left, yet). Grab the Tent (10/12).
- Then, continue to the south to the southern most door. Theres a hidden chest here with a Golden Armor (11/12).
- On the SW-most side on map there is one last chest with a Golden Helm (12/12).
- Then, go down the conveyor that Kefka threw the Espers down.
- You'll then see Ifrit and Shiva. Before fighting them, you and save/heal in the room to the west.
- After collecting Shiva and Ifrit (make sure to pick them up!), move on past the staircase room.
Magitek Research Facility
- After you enter the room at the top of the stairs, you are technically in a new area, according to your maps, so I have a new section here.
- There is one more chest. In this room, there are 5 tubes (check your map). In a hidden wall south of the leftmost tube is a chest with Stoneblade.
- Make sure you fight the enemies here too.
- Destroyer
- Lenergia
- After grabbing the Stoneblade and making sure you've met all the enemies in Magitek Factory and Magitek Research Facility, head to the next room.
- Here you'll fight Number 024. He has a Blood Sword and Rune Blade you can steal if you want, but both are weapons you can get other ways.
- After beating Number 024, go up and click the switch for a scene. Then go to the elevator with Cid for another scene.
- After reaching the bottom of the elevator, save in the room to the left, heal up, then talk to Cid for a minecart event. You'll have a few forced encounters with Magna Roader (two different versions), and then a boss fight with Number 128. You can steal Kazekiri from this boss, but you'll also find this item in a chest later.
- After this event, you'll be back in Vector, near a save point. Before you go anywhere, battle around the save point until you fight a Chaser, a normal random encounter that you can only find here.
- Chaser (be sure to get it!)
- After this, head south a bit to reunite with Setzer, a scene, and then yet another boss fight.
- When fighting the Cranes boss, you have a chance of stealing a Debilitator item for Edgar from the right one, but you'll have a chance to buy this later, too.
Esper Flashback
- After more scenes, you'll end up in a flashback sequence regarding Terra. There are no items here, so simply talk to NPCs to move the sequence along until you return to the present day.
- You now have an airship! Before doing anything else, return to Narshe.
10. Airship Exploration
- You'll automatically see a scene. Once you have control, head to the warehouse that had that last chest you could not get before. You'll find Lone Wolf the Pickpocket. Be sure to open the now-empty chest (in order for it to count for Item Collection), then follow Lone Wolf through the city, north mine, and then near the crystalized Esper.
- When near Lone Wolf, simply wait a bit, and Mog will start moving. You then have a choice between getting Mog on your team, or a Golden Hairpin. Pick Mog of course, you'll get two other Gold Hairpins. Head back to the Airship.
- Mog can learn dances based on the field he fights in. Each different type of location can teach Mog a different dance. Feel free to get these now
- Twilight Requiem (Cave, if you didn't get before during the early Defend Terra segment)
- Wind Rhapsody (Grass)
- Forest Nocturne (Forest)
- Desert Lullaby (Desert)
- Love Serenade (City area, like Zozo)
- Earth Blues (mountain areas, like Mount Kolts)
- Water Harmony (Lethe River or Serpent Trench)
- This one is a bit weirder. Once you get through the River or Trench, you'll have to work your way back to your airship the long way. I personally started at Lethe River (access through the Returner's Hideout), then go through the Phantom Forest, then Veldt, then Crescent Mountain Cave, then Serpent Trench, then boat to South Figaro, then Mount Kolts, back to your airship.
- There's one more Dance in the game, Snowman Rondo, but this will have to wait.
Still no items here, but speak with a guy hidden near the trees in the back and spend 3000 Gil for a Seraph Magicite. This is a great Esper for this point in the game.
- The Auction House here is now open. If you have the money, you can get the following items.
- Angel Ring (A Relic that gives Float status)
- Angel Wings (A Relic that gives Regen status)
- Zona Seeker (magicite)
- Golem (magicite)
- First, drop by the forest to the West of the Veldt to get Grenade added to your bestiary.
- Checkpoint: You should have monsters 1-86 for your Bestiary at this point, maybe 93 if you fought a Mega Armor in the Observation Post. If you didn't, you'll get this later.
- Feel free to AP farm and Gil farm at the Veldt (since it doesn't give you EXP, which you want to save most level-ups for when you have good Espers for best stats)
- Get Gau Rages while you are at it.
- Thamasa is a town on the center East continent. There's Not much you can do here now, but you can get 5/6 items in barrels outside. The 6th item you'll get later.
- Some overworld Bestiary Entries now
- Near Thamasa:
- Briareus (can Steal Gaia Gear)
- Chimera
- Devourer
- NE Island
- Intangir - This enemy is very hard at this point in the game. Cast Stop to help. You'll want to beat him eventually for his bestiary entry, though. I suggest waiting on this for now, but if you want to take him out now, feel free.
11. The Sealed Gate and Imperial Banquet
Imperial Observation Post
- Nothing here, continue on to the right.
Cave to the Sealed Gate
- Before you enter here, you might want to make sure that Terra and Locke learn Fira, Blizzara, and Cura magic, for later. Also, you'll be able to spend a good chunk of money soon on new equipment, so it's worth stocking up a bit.
- The best place to do this is a Veldt, since you don't gain EXP (and you don't have to worry about Esper level up bonuses, you just gain AP and money).
- Another dungeon area, so let me give some steps.
- Antares (first cave)
- Lich (first cave)
- Provoker (first cave)
- Outcast (all caves)
- Zombie Dragon (B2F and B3F)
- Grab the chest with Assassin's Dagger and continue south.
- Grab the chest with Kazekiri and continue south.
- Here, the bridges will toggle between two different positions, with some squares shared in each position (as in, those squares are always present).
- Run to the southern square of the nearby 'T' shaped bridge and wait there, you'll see what I mean.
- Once you understand this, grab the Heiji's Jitte in the SW chest, the X-Potion in the NE chest, then continue through the SE door.
- In the next room, follow the path SE to a chest with a Hi-Ether. Then return and head down the stairs.
- Continue through the path until you are on a bridge with a switch. Hit it. You'll fall. Grab the Genji Gloves in a chest to the NW, then continue on to the east.
- You'll see three switches. Click the left-most one to open a door with a Save point and Tent in a chest. Save. Then click the middle switch to fight a Ninja. Then click the right switch, and go down the big stairs.
- Examine each patch of dirt for the four items in your Item Collection (three in the clearing at the bottom of the ladder, one above the nearby chest.. Also get the item out of the nearby chest with a Hi-Ether). Then continue on.
- Once you make your way past a cave, grab an Elixir to the south. Ignore the nearby switchs and head more south, and press the switch there. You'll open a room with 4 chests.
- Note: Ultima Weapon has higher attack based on the user's HP.
- Go east, up two bridges, click the switch, then E, then N (ignore the other switch), grab the chest with Magicite Shard, which should complete your Item Collection here. Continue to the end.
- You'll see a few scenes at the Sealed Gate. Then head south and leave the dungeon.
- Backtrack through the Imperial Observation post for some more scenes. Eventually, you'll be near the crash-landed Blackjack near Maranda.
- Head to Vector.
- I highly suggest making a Save before entering Vector.
- You will soon have a sequence where you need to find 24 soldiers, as well as answer questions correctly during a banquet. If you do this ideally, you can earn a Ward Bangle Relic as the best reward.
- Head north through Vector and you'll be invited to talk to the Emperor. You'll then be tasked to talk to 24 soldiers within 4 minutes, before the banquet starts.
- To be honest, as long as you are not playing the SNES version, this is super easy, as you move plenty fast. You get easily get everyone in about half that time. There are 24 soldiers in total, and some will fight you. Head south all the way to speak with soldiers, then you can basically loop around the area and enter the rooms to speak with the rest.
- Again, there are 24 soldiers. There are also 5 chests you can pick up (you can get these later too, so you can't miss them).
- Seriously this should be very easy to do. Worst case scenario is you may have to reload from 5 minutes ago if you can't find all 24 soldiers.
- Once you find them all, just wait for the banquet to start. If you are playing the Pixel Remaster, I suggest making a Quick Save here, in case you mess up the next part.
- You have to give the following answers for maximum points:
- To our homelands.
- Leave him in jail.
- That was inexcusable.
- Celes is one of us!
- [You'll be given a choice of three questions. Ask each question here once, but never more than once.]
- REMEMBER WHICH QUESTION YOU ASKED FIRST. You'll then be given an option to ask more, and do so, and make sure you ask all three questions once.
- Okay
- They have gone a bit too far.
- [The first question you asked moments ago]
- (Take a break.)
- [During the break, fight the soldiers near the Emperor. This should be a very easy fight. Then return to your seat.]
- That your war is truly over.
- Yes
- After a few scenes, head south. You should get the following rewards:
- All imperial troops withdrawn from South Figaro
- All imperial troops withdrawn from Doma
- Armory at Imperial Observation Post unlocked
- Tintinnabulum Relic
- Ward Bangle Relic
- As long as you got all that, you got the best reward. If not, reload an earlier save and try again.
- Get the 5 chests in the Imperial Palace if you havent already.
- You are now in control of just Locke and Terra. You can head to the Blackjack for an optional scene with Setzer. I suggest doing this in case it counts for the Adventurous Wayfarer achievement.
- Head to the Imperial Observation Post and enter the lone building. You can collect all the chests here, including an item in the furnace. One of the chests is hidden in the bottom corner. You'll finish your Item Collection for the area.
12. Thamasa and the Esper Cave
- In Albrook, you can finally head to the port. In one of the crates near the port entrance is the 4th item here, finally completing your Item Collection here.
- Talk to Leo, then head to the Inn for a scene. Then head back to Leo. You'll see more scenes on the ship, you may need to speak to nearby NPCs or party members to continue. You'll eventually end up near Thamasa again.
- The shops here have a lot of good, expensive stuff. If you spent some time grabbing Rages or training Esper magic in the Veldt, you may have a good chunk of money to spend.
- Enter the NE house and talk to Strago for a scene. You can then go up to the second floor and grab the last item on the left wall, around a bulge in the wall - a Memento Ring - completing the Item Collection for Thamasa.
- Then enter the Inn and spend the night. You'll then see scenes where you have to save Relm from a burning mansion.
- The only enemies here are balloons, so hopefully, Terra and Locke have some Blizzara magic as I suggested earlier. Make sure Strago is well-equipped (his Aqua Breath is useful here.)
- Here follow the linear path. There are two chests to grab, which are missable so make sure you get them. When you reach the first fork, enter the right door. Then enter the right door again for a Flame Rod. The next fork is the same, enter the right door for an Ice Rod. Then proceed to the end. Beat Flame Eater (use Ice).
- After the scenes, you'll be tasked with going to the Esper Caves.
Esper Caves
- More enemies to get here.
- Bonnacon (inside cave)
- Land Grillion (outside cliffs)
- Adamankary (inside cave)
- Mandrake (outside cliffs)
- Venobennu (outside cliffs)
- Grab the nearby chest for a Healing Rod, then head east.
- Continue along the path for some scenes and eventually a boss fight with Ultros. Hit him with Fira/Thundara, and part-way through the battle, Relm will show up. Use her Sketch ability to end the battle.
- Afterward, continue until you get to a room with three patches on the floor. Fall through the right patch and follow the path for an X-Potion. Then backtrack, jump off the ledge, then return to the patch room.
- Drop through the north patch this time, then, collect a chest from both the north and west rooms.
- That should complete your Item Collection here.
- Then return to the patch room and fall through the south patch. When ready, continue on for several long scenes.
- When you get control of Leo, simply talk to Kefka to fight him, and use Shock 4 or 5 times.
- After a bunch more scenes, eventually, you'll have control on your airship.
13. World of Balance Wrap-up
Strago Lore
- Strago is a Blue Mage and can learn certain magics from enemies simply by seeing it (as in he is participating in the battle). Here's some you can get at this point. All of these can be gotten later, too.
- White Wind - Venobennu (will use on their own)
- Roulette - Onion Knight (Have Relm use Sketch)
- Self Destruct - Any Bomb type enemy, or Onion Knight (have Relm sketch a Bomb type enemy)
- Transfusion - First you have to beat Intangir on the NE island, which now is the last chance you have to do so. Then you need to find it on the Veldt and have Gau learn its Rage. Then have Gau use the Intangir Rage when Strago is in the party
- Traveler - Cast Confuse on an Unseelie. Can be found on Veldt or between Mt. Kolts and Returner Base.
- Dischord - Satelite or Chaser will eventually use this on their own (found on Veldt)
- Doom - Have Gau learn the Zombie Dragon rage, then use it with Strago in the party.
- Lv. 5 Death - Trapper (found on Veldt, will use on its own)
- Lv. 4 Flare - Trapper (found on Veldt, will use on its own)
- Lv. 3 Confuse - Trapper (found on Veldt, try Relm's Sketch)
Doma Castle
- Now that the Imperial Soldiers are gone, you can now explore here and grab the 4 chests and 2 items, completing your Item Collection.
World of Balance Final Check
- At this point, you should have Bestiary Entries #001 thru #103, plus #112.
- Make sure you have 4 Chocobo Stables on the map, as well as the Dragon's Neck Cabin, for Adventurous Wayfarer achievement.
- Train up magic a bit at the Veldt too. Can't ever have too much magic or money.
14. The Floating Continent
On the Way to Floating Continent
- Before selecting going to the floating continent, make sure you stock up on items, teach Strago and Relm some magic (via fighting on the Veldt), visit all locations on the map, and check that you've gotten all items, except a few in Narshe Mines or elsewhere that will power up in the World of Ruin.
- When ready, select to go to the Floating Continent when on the Blackjack. You'll have to pick three people to go.
- If you want to grab an additional Blue Magic Lore, have Strago tag along, otherwise pick your best characters, preferably all with Fira/Blizzara/Thundara/Cura and Bio.
- During this sequence, you'll be sitting on the airship, and every few moments you'll fight Sky Armors and Spitfire enemies, which are weak to Lightning.
- After a few battles, Ultros will appear on the back of the ship. Fight him by using Fira. Then Typhon will show up, who is weak to Blizzara.
- After that battle, you'll have one more with Air Force, who is weak to Lightning and Water.
- Note for the bestiary, you should get the Laser Gun, Missable Bay, and Bit. However, you need the Bit to show up.
- In the Pixel Remaster, this works slightly differently. You have to destroy the Laser Gun and ONLY the Laser Gun, then the Bit will appear. If you don't do this, you'll miss out on the entry for Bit. Be sure to get it!
Floating Continent
- The enemies here are pretty tough, but most have a weakness. Don't be shy to flee if necessary.
- Behemoth (use Blizzara)
- Dragon (use Thundara)
- Platinum Dragon
- Misfit (throw a Phoenix Down)
- Apocrypha (throw a Phoenix Down)
- Brainpan (use Fira, can use 1000 Needles lore for Strago to learn)
- Ninja (should already have from before, however, I believe you want to run into them again for Veldt purposes)
- Gigantos (Monster-in-a-box, use Bio)
- It doesn't look it, but the Floating Continent is mostly linear. Sometimes a path will open up by moving near a dead-end, or by pressing a switch. Shadow will join you here.
- From the save point, head east and up the stairs, and continue down the path until you reach a blue orb, a chest with a Murasame.
- From here, continue east until the next chest. This has a monster-in-a-box Gigantos, who is weak to Bio.
- Backtrack to a jag in the north wall to open a path, then stand in the center of the platform to be taken to a new spot.
- Head south and stand on the west platform. Then head SW and step on the switch. Then head North and upstairs to another switch to press.
- Take the shortcut that you just made down around to the lower end of the continent, and continue following the path. You'll eventually run to another new switch, that opens a new path, but don't go through there yet.
- Instead, here east to a third blue orb with a Beret. South of here, you can stand on a platform to get to a save point. Then enter the switch-made path.
- Soon, you'll be given an option to return to the Blackjack. Do this if you want to switch characters for any reason, but know you'll have to redo traversing the Floating Continent. This is a good time to get 1000 Needles Lore from Brainpan, if you have Strago with you (you can always get this later, too).
- Before you do anything else, make sure you've added each of the enemies above to your bestiary, and have 3/4 chests for your collection. You'll get the 4th chest during the escape sequence
- Past where you see the Blackjack, you will fight Ultima Weapon. He has no obvious weaknesses, but note that it is definitely worth using Slow. Use your strongest attacks, have Shadow throw Scrolls for solid damage, and dedicate someone to healing.
- Strago can learn 1,000 Needles from Brainpan. They'll use eventually, just kinda seldom.
Floating Continent Escape
- After beating Ultima Weapon, head north for a long scene. Once you have control again, you'll need to escape within six minutes. This is plenty of time.
- The path is linear, head along it and you'll have to fight a few Naude's along the way (use Fire or Lightning)
- Pay attention here. Eventually, you'll see the last blue chest. HEAD DOWN THE STAIRS BUT DON'T MOVE TOWARDS THE CHEST. If you do, the platform will fall and you'll miss it.
- Instead, take the long way around to the chest, with an Elixer. This should complete your Item Collection for the Floating Continent.
- Examine the sparkle for a fight with Nelapa. Don't use magic, as it has Reflect. Instead, just use your strongest physical attacks.
- Get to the end of the ledge, and you'll see the Blackjack. CHOOSE TO WAIT. Just keep waiting, don't worry about the timer. Eventually, Shadow will return and you'll be good to go. If you don't wait, Shadow is lost forever.
- A bunch of scenes, later, and you are in the World of Ruin. Neat.
15. Welcome to the World of Ruin
Solitary Island
- Save before you do anything else. During this sequence, you have a chance to save Cid's life, but you may fail, and he might die.
- This doesn't affect anything in the game, but if you want to make sure to save Cid's life, you need to be careful about which fish you feed him.
- In a nutshell, fast fish will heal him, slow fish will hurt him. Grab the fast fish only, basically, the ones that are zipping around quickly.
- In order to refresh the fish in the ocean, you need to feed Cid the fish you grab. You might need to feed him some average-speed fish occasionally to refresh what is available at the ocean. You'll see his message improve over time, hopefully.
- Once that's done, you'll see some scenes.
- Nothing to do in Albrook, go to Tzen.
Albrook/Tzen Overworld Area
- I should note that in the World of Ruin, you can do many things in whatever order you want. This guide will list a sensible order to approach getting your party back.
- Before worrying about these, you might want to grab Sabin from Tzen.
- Rukh (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Luna Wolf (Grass)
- Gigantoad (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Murussu (Grass, weak to Lightning)
- Fafnir (Grass, Forest, weak to Ice)
- Killer Mantis (Forest, weak to Fire)
- Peeper (Sand)
- Land Ray (Sand)
- Save before doing anything. You'll have to save a child from a collapsing building. There are 3 enemies and 8 chests, all missable.
- This is really easy, just make sure you collect all items and fight the three enemies for your bestiary.
- Scorpion
- Zokka
- Nightwalker (weak to Fire)
- Sabin joins! Now head to Nikeah, far to the north.
- Enter the nearby Chocobo Stable too, for the Wayfarer achievement.
Nikeah Overworld Area
- More new enemies to get here.
- Black Dragon (Sand, weak to Fire)
- Delta Beetle (Grass, weak to Fire)
- Devoahan (Grass, weak to Fire)
- Vampire Thorn (Grass, weak to Fire)
- Lizard (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Nikeah has some new items to buy.
- To proceed, go to the pub, talk to a bandit at the table, and he'll leave. Then, head back to the market outside and talk to
EdgarGerad, then follow him. You'll end up in South Figaro
16. Edgar, Figaro Castle, and Engine Room
South Figaro
- There are a few new items to buy here as well. If you didn't pick up the Item Collection items earlier, they'll be here upgraded finally, so grab them now.
- To continue, talk to
EdgarGerad in the Inn. - Then head to South Figaro Cave.
South Figaro Overworld Area
- More enemies here.
- Cancer (Grass/Desert, weak to Ice)
- Desert Hare (Grass, weak to Water)
- Oceanus (Forest, weak to Lightning)
- Sandhorse (Desert, weak to Ice)
South Figaro Cave
- If you didn't pick up the chests here up to this point, they'll have upgraded items, so grab them. Otherwise just make your way through.
- Cruller (weak to Fire/Holy)
- Humpty (weak to Fire/Holy)
- Neck Hunter
- Dante (rare, supposedly he can be found here, I found him in Figaro Castle instead)
Figaro Castle Dungeon
- Figaro Castle is basically a dungeon at the moment.
- All the enemies from South Figaro cave can be found here, in addition to the Dropper, but only in the Engine Room.
- This dungeon is pretty easy. Follow the path and you'll see 4 chests. Grab them all and then go up the NW door and follow the path to another chest. Return in go through the center N door.
- Dante
- Dropper (Engine Room, weak to lightning)
- In the Engine Room, you'll have to fight four tentacles. Each has different weaknesses.
- Bottom-Right is weak to ice.
- Top-Right has no weaknesses and absorbs Lightning
- Bottom-Left is weak to Fire.
- Top-Left has no weaknesses and absorbs Earth.
- Make sure to get Dropper enemy before leaving. Go into the north room and grab the Soul Saber from the statue. Then return to the main castle area a few floors up.
- Once you surface, double-check your Item Collection. You should FINALLY have everything for Figaro Castle.
- Talk to the old man and move the castle to Kohlingen. Then head to Kohlingen to the NW.
17. Setzer and Darill's Tomb
- Some new weapons and armor to buy. Then talk to Setzer in the pub. That's it.
Kohlingen Overworld Area
- More new enemies!
- Bogy (Grass)
- Deepeye (Forest, weak to Fire)
- Marchosias (Grass)
- Mouuse (Grass)
- Cancer (Sand, weak to Ice, if you didn't get before)
- Sandhorse (Sand, weak to Ice, if you didn't get before)
- Enter the Chocobo Stable and Coliseum to the NE, to mark them on your map. Otherwise head to Darill's Tomb to the SW of Kohlingen.
Darill's Tomb
- Many of the enemies here can be defeated with a Phoenix Down, except Malboro.
- Borghese
- Cloudwraith
- Skeletal Horror
- Exoray (B2F, B3F)
- Malboro (B2F, B3F)
- From B1F, head straight south to B2F.
- There is a split path here. Head into the SE door to get a Genji Helm.
- Head into the SW door to get a Crystal Mail. Continue on downstairs for a Regal Gown, and continue on to a Switch. Press it.
- Return to the split and take the NE door. Talk to the gravestone and continue on. Press the Switch.
- Return to the split and take the middle S door. Jump on the turtle to continue. Keep going until you see four graves. Examine each of them.
- Return to the split and take the NW door. At the grace, carve the letters in this order: WEHT, DLRO, QSSI, ERAU. You'll get a message.
- Return to the split and take the SW door again. Continue down to B3F again. From the open chest (that had a Regal Gown), continue right into the wall. You should see a path to a Growth Egg.
- Return to the split and take the middle S door again. Ride the turtle. Then hit the switch and ride the second turtle and enter the doorway. There are two chests here and a save point. Save, one of the chests has an Angler Whelk boss. It is susceptible to Chainsaw death.
- You should have 6/6 chests now for your Item Collection.
- The boss in the next room is Dullahan. This guy is reasonably tough, the trick is to use Celes Runic smartly, while timing your Fira magics and other strong attacks to defeat him.
18. Cyan and Mount Zozo
- Checkpoint: At this point, you should have Bestiary entries #001 thru #147. Airship time!
- You want to head to Maranda, which is on the SW continent.
- There is a lot of good stuff here. Even if you farmed on the Veldt for a bit, you may not have enough to buy some of the good equipment.
- All you have to do is talk to Lola in the east house, and accept her request to mail a letter.
- Talk to the bird outside, then you are on your way to Zozo to the NW.
Overworld Maranda/Jidoor/Zozo Area
- Enemies here are relatively tough at this point. They aren't going anywhere, so you can't miss them.
- We'll do some story stuff in Jidoor later.
- Crawler (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Sprinter (Grass, weak to Lightning)
- Lycaon (Grass)
- Greater Mantis (Grass/Forest, weak to fire)
- Leap Frog (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Basilisk (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Slagworm (Desert, weak to Ice)
- Cactuar (Desert, use a Tool like Drill to hit him)
- Enemies in the city area are the same as before.
- Talk to the person next to the Inn and buy the Rust-Rid for 1000 gil.
- Go to the pub, head to the top, and enter the door on the left.
Mount Zozo
- Enemies here are very dodgy, so equip Sniper Eyes.
- Devil Fist (outside cliffs)
- Mugbear (outside cliffs)
- Punisher (inside cave or outside cliffs, weak to Fire)
- Luridan (outside cliffs, weak to Fire)
- Glasya Labolas (inside cave or outside cliffs)
- If you check your map, you'll clearly see 4 chests. Grab them all. Then go to the upper left room and grab the 5th chest.
- Continue on and you'll eventually see a room with a switch and a chest at top, as well as a save point. Clicking the switch will release Storm Dragon from the chest.
- Run into Storm Dragon to fight. It can be pretty tough at this point in the game. I suggest having Celes with double Earrings cast Thundara, equip Thunder Shield, and have everyone else on healing duty. You'll get Force Armor for winning. You can always come back later
- Afterwards, continue on and you'll meet Cyan. He'll join after a scene. Then go back to the cliff you found him on for a key. You can open the last chest with this, completing your Item Collection for the area.
- There's an optional scene if you return to Lola in Maranda with Cyan in your party.
19. Uwao! Aooh! I'm Gau! Your friend! (also Terra)
- Pick up Gau on the Veldt. Same as always.
- The Veldt is the NE continent, south of some mountains. You'll know you're in the right place on the map when the usual music plays.
- Train here for a bit if you want Gil, AP, or Rages.
- Mobliz is south of the Veldt and the eastern-most town on the map. Head there.
- Also stop by the Chocobo Stable south of it (for the exploration achievement).
- Enter the house in the center of the village. Talk to Terra for a few scenes, and then eventually Terra will fight Humbaba.
- Terra has to lose this fight. Your party will then fight, but Humbaba will flee.
- After a few more scenes, leave the village. You'll get Fenrir magicite on the way.
- Re-enter the village (since you already have the Falcon, you can do the 2nd part right away.)
- Pick up the item in a barrel near the west house, then enter. You'll find Duane here, talk to him, and then enter the hidden staircase behind the bookshelf.
- After a scene, you'll fight Humbaba. He is weak to Bio. After a few turns, he'll blow away a few party members, but Terra will join. Now defeat him.
- After a few more scenes, Terra will rejoin for good.
- One last thing, pick up an item in the basement where you saw Terra and Katarin just a moment ago, and this should give you 3/3 items for your Item Collection.
20. Owzer, Relm, and Strago
Jidoor / Owzer's Mansion
- The Auction House in Jidoor has some new stuff to get, but we'll hold off for now. You want to head to the manor at the top.
- In Owzer's Mansion, try heading up the stairs for a scene. Then check the book on the table. Then check the lights at the base of the stairs. Then go up again.
- You are now in a dungeon area. Many of these enemies you'll fight in fixed fights.
- Rafflesia
- Misty
- Blade Dancer
- Coeurl Cat
- Crusher
- Caladrius
- Blade Dancer
- Still Life
- Examine the flower painting to fight Rafflesia.
- Examine the woman's portrait to fight Mistys, then continue on.
- In the next room, examine the chair painting to fight Blade Dancer and Coeurl Cats. Then take the left door for Moogle Suit.
- In the next room, go behind the doors for a Lich Ring. Then enter the left door.
- Stand under each of the shadows to fight 4 battles, which will open four chests, and complete your Item Collection for the area.
- Then examine the armor painting to fight Still Life (weak to Fire).
- You'll soon fight a boss. Use fire on the painting when it looks like a demon (not a woman). Otherwise just heal up. Relm will join!
Cultist's Tower
- Use the Falcon to fly to the Cultist's Tower at the center of the map.
- Bring Relm along and Strago will join. Don't try to enter the tower yet.
21. Narshe, Mog, and Umaro
- Narshe is on the west side of the NW continent. Enter with three (not four) characters. There are enemies in town and the nearby mine caves.
- Garm (Narshe)
- Test Rider (Narshe)
- Lukhavi (Narshe)
- Wizard (Narshe Mine)
- Psychos (Narshe Mine)
- Magna Roader (brown, Narshe Mine)
- Magna Roader (yellow, Narshe Mine)
- Return to the Moogle Room in Narshe Mines (that's in the western entrance, which you get to from through Arvis's house) to recruit Mog. Pick up any items you left from earlier in the game too, which have been fully upgraded.
- Examine the space behind where Mog was for a Molulu's Charm, which negates random encounters but can only be equipped to Mog.
- This should finally be able complete the Item Collection here.
- Now head through the north part of Narshe to the North mines and follow the path all the way to the end.
- Have Mog Learn Snowman Rondo on the Narshe Cliffs, which should be his last Dance move.
- You'll see the Ice Dragon flying around. The best way to kill it is to use Confuse and Fire attacks.
- Then you'll fight the crystallized Esper from the beginning of the game - Valigarmanda. He is also weak to Fire.
- This will open up the Yeti's Cave dungeon. Access it from examining the edge of the top of the cliff.
Yeti's Cave
- Navigating this cave is most easily done just by looking at your map. Remember that Molulu's Charm is great for removing encounters if you are trying to get around. Remember, you need Mog here.
- Anemone (B3)
- Illuyankas (B1, B2)
- Knotty (B2)
- Onion Dasher (B1, B3)
- Tzakmaqiel (B2)
- Tonberry
- Note that the Tonberries in the monster chest are a different bestiary entry than the randomly encountered Tonberry, so beat both.
- Note that the darker tiles will have you fall to the lower layer, though it's pretty easy to make your way back up.
- This cave is pretty easy to navigate, using your map.
- The chest on the SW side of B2 has 3 Tonberries. These guys are reasonably hard. I find it best to have double-Earring-ed Celes cast Fira (you could go train to get Firaga in the Veldt if you want).
- You want Edgar to use Flash. Everyone else to heal.
- You have a chance to get Minerva Bustier as a drop, a great armor for Terra and Cele. I actually highly suggest at least getting one. You can get two. You can also get this item later, but it's real nice to get now.
- At the end, you'll find Yeti's cave, with straw on the ground. Quick Save, and examine the armor for Midgardsormr Magicite, and you'll fight a boss. Yeti is also weak to Fire.
- As long as Mog is with you, Umaro will join afterward.
22. Shadow, Locke, and Gogo
- I don't have a more catchy title for this section. We are getting Shadow and then Locke and then Gogo now. Enter the Cave on the Veldt, which is a cave on the Veldt.
Cave on the Veldt
- Follow Interceptor to the door at top. Only a few enemies here.
- Death Warden (monster-in-a-box)
- Twinscythe (weak to Fire)
- Gorgimera (rare)
- Collect the nearby chest for a Berserker Ring, then head west and south down a stairway.
- Collect the chest to the west that has a monster-in-a-box. You have a change to get a Tigerfang Claw for Sabin. Then head down the stairs.
- Follow the one way path south to the next area. Then in the following area, throw the switch and grab the last chest with Ichigeki, which will give you 3/3 for your Item Collection.
- Go through the newly opened passage to get to Shadow. You'll fight two Behemoth Kings. They are weak to Fire.
- After a few scenes, head to the Coliseum on the NW side of the world map. Bet the Ichigeki you just got, beat Shadow, and then he'll rejoin your team.
- By betting certain items at the Coliseum, you can get different items in return. We've got a full list of the Coliseum bets & rewards if you need it. This is how you can acquire many of FF6's best items.
Overworld Area Around Thamasa
- Thamasa is the SE-most continent
- Gloomwind (Grass, weak to Ice)
- Vasegiatta (Forest)
- Purusa (Grass)
Phoenix Cave
- The Phoenix Cave is the location surrounded by mountains north of Tzen.
- You need two teams here. We'll call them Party A and Party B.
- Face (non-lava floors, weak to Ice)
- Necromancer (non-lava floors, weak to Fire)
- Zeveak (non-lava floors, weak to Ice)
- Clymenus (non-lava floors)
- Galypdes (non-lava floors, rare, weak to Ice)
- Seaflower (lava floors, weak to Ice)
- Ouroboros (lava floors, weak to Ice)
- Chaos Dragon (lava floors, weak to Ice)
- A: Step on the switch in front of you.
- B: Go through the door, ignore the chest on the left, step on the switch to the north.
- A: Go through the new door and step on the switch.
- B: Head north, east, and south to another switch.
- A: Head southeast and grab the two chests you can nearby. Take the stairs down. Head NW, grab a chest, press a switch, then return S, E, then North all the way, grabbing a chest on the way.
- B: Head all the way west, down the stairs, then south and up a different set of stairs. Step on the switch and grab the chest you ignored before. Now backtrack to the lava floor, head north to the rocks and jump across both sets. Step on the switch, then step off, then change teams.
- A: Head north into the next area, then loop back south and step on the switch.
- B: Head north into the next area and step on the switch.
- A: Head north and all the way west, then south into the doorway. Then in the next area, head west across rocks, then south, then east. Go up the first set of rocks here for a chest, then up the second set. Pull the lever.
- B: Head NW and step on the switch.
- A: Head S along a new path you see a chest and a Red Dragon. Beat the dragon (weak to Ice) and grab the chest. Then backtrack and step on the switch to the NW.
- B: Head S then W and follow the path until you see stairs. Here, grab the chest in the center for a Ribbon, which should be 9/9 chests here for your Item Collection. Then head up the NW stairs.
- Follow the path to be reunited with Party A.
- At this point have both partys step on the side-by-side switchs. Then take your favorite party S to ultimately find Locke, followed by a few scenes.
Zone Eater's Belly
- Head to the NE-most continent on the map. Here you can find a Zone Eater enemy. It's not missable and you want to kill one for your bestiary (weak to Holy). But you can enter a dungeon if you let him swallow your party.
- For what it's worth, you can enter this dungeon as many times as you want
- Kamui
- Wartpuck
- Covert
- Amduscias
- Shambling Corpse
- Baalzephon (rare)
- From where you start, N will leave the dungeon if you need to. Head S, then W. You need to cross the bridges without being caught. However, get caught once to be thrown off and grab two chests (Hi-Ether, Red Jacket).
- Grab the three other chests along the way, avoiding the enemies on the bridge.
- When you reach a Save Point. SAVE. Do it.
- In the next room, you have to make your way through by placing yourself in holes where the ceiling doesn't fall. It should be pretty clear. Grab the three chests along the way.
- In the large room with chests and bridges, it's pretty self explanatory. Grab the chest, hit the button, and make your way through. You should have 9/9 chests for your Item Collection
- Talk to Gogo in the next room, and you'll be done here. Use Teleport.
23. Cyan's Dream Sequence
- I'm giving this event its own section.
Doma Castle
- Put Cyan in your party and head to Doma Castle, west of the Veldt.
- You may want to put Strago in your party too, as there's a Lore to grab here (though you can grab it elsewhere, it's easier here).
- Head to left door, then right door, then rest.
- This entire sequence is one-time only, do make sure you get all the enemies and chests.
First Dream Area
- You'll begin with only one character. Head into the left of three doors to grab your second character. Then head N into the door.
- Head N again to another door. Then head into the door on the right, where you can pick up your third teammate. This three person party is what you have to work with in this dungeon. Head into the NW door.
- Weredragon
- Parasite
- Coco
- Pandora
- Alluring Rider
- Strago can learn Lv. ? Holy from Alluring Rider (as well as Doom, if you don't have it already). You can get this later, and it's not missable, but this is arguably an easier place to get it.
- Once you've gotten the bestiary entries and lore), head W to another door. Heal up here, then head S, as you are about to fight the Dream Stooges. Take out Curlax first.
Phantom Train Dream Area
- There are items here, so make sure you pick them up.
- Al Jabr
- Suriander
- Samurai
- Coco
- Parasite (if you didn't get in the first area)
- Pandora (if you didn't get in the first area)
- Head W to a switch. Press it twice, then grab the Genji Glove from the chest.
- Continue W, grab a Lump of Metal in the far west chest, then place it in the moving chest, and grab the Flame Shield. Flip the switch and pay attention to the open/close chest pattern.
- In the next car, head around and press the switch. Grab a semi-hidden X-Potion in a chest to the S. Follow the path west and grab the Ice Shield. This should be all items in the area, make sure you got them all from your menu.
- For the Switch puzzle, make sure the switches are, from left to right, up/down/down. Then head west across the bottom part of the screen.
- The chests should look like how you saw them before, then hit the last switch. Continue west.
- Make sure you have the Item Collection finished for this area, as well as the bestiary entries.
- When ready enter the engine car, press the first and third switches, then leave.
Cave Dream Area (w/ Magitek Armor)
- There are 3 new enemies here, make sure you got them. No items though.
- Pluto Armor
- Io
- Schmidt
- Head S to see a scene. As you work counter-clockwise, you will never find Cyan. At some point, turn around and work your way clockwise and enter the door you entered from and you should see Cyan. Follow him across the bridge to get to the next area.
Doma Castle Dream Area
- All enemies here are old, but here's your last chance to get them. The only thing to do is to heal up, save, and head to the Throne Room. You'll fight Wrexsoul.
- Al Jabr
- Samurai
- Suriander
- Coco
- Wrexsoul is actually pretty annoying. He'll possess a character, and won't show up again until they die or are petrified. Kill your own characters (or Petrify them) to have Wrexsoul appear. Hit him with Ice attacks. Repeat as necessary. The Soul Savers will simply return when defeated, so ignore them, but kill one for the bestiary.
24. World of Ruin - Odds and Ends
Let's Learn Some Strago Lore Abilities
- Now that we have explored a bit, here are some Lores you can get now.
- Aero - Vasegiatta in Forest near Thamasa. It will eventually use on its own, or you can use Relm's Control ability (equipping her with the Fake Mustache changes Sketch to Control. If Relm is a low level, Control/Sketch may be hard to land.)
- Can also find Marchosias around Narshe.
- Bad Breath - Malboro in Darill's Tomb (B2F). You can use Control.
- Mighty Guard - Land Ray in Desert on Solitary Island. Since it only has 1 HP and comes with Sap status, it'll die immediately. Use Gale Hairpin to get a Preemptive Strike, and have Relm Sketch before it dies. Turn battle speed to slow too.
- Rippler - Leap Frog in Grass on North-Middle Continent. It can't be used with Sketch or Control, so just wait until it does the ability on its own.
- Aero - Vasegiatta in Forest near Thamasa. It will eventually use on its own, or you can use Relm's Control ability (equipping her with the Fake Mustache changes Sketch to Control. If Relm is a low level, Control/Sketch may be hard to land.)
Solitary (Cid's) Island
- Simply pick up the Quetzalli magicite on the beach
Cave to the Ancient Castle
- In order to get to the Ancient Castle, head to Figaro Castle and have the old gentleman move it to the other location. On the way, you'll get stuck. Instead of talking to the man to continue moving, head to the jail cells.
- Note, this cave can be revisited. There are six items to pick up. Most can be found easily with your map.
- Devil
- Enuo
- Figaro Lizard
- Strago can learn Tsunami from Enuo. They will use it when left as the last enemy on the field.
- To the east and south through a door, and there's a monster-in-a-box chest with a Master Tonberry. He can be tough. I recommend using Stop/Slow and hitting it with magic. Use Libra to see what element he is weak too, since it changes.
- You can always save him for later, after you get Flare/Ultima.
- Make your way through this cave, and you'll end up in the Ancient Castle.
Ancient Castle
- You'll see a scene as you enter. Head North near the main entrance.
- Many enemies here are ones you could have encountered before, but a few new ones.
- Lunatys (inside)
- Armored Weapon (inside)
- Samurai (outside, if you don't have already)
- Suriander (outside, if you don't have already)
- Coco (outside, if you don't have already)
- Devil (outside, if you don't have already)
- Figaro Lizard (inside, if you don't have already)
- West of the main entrance is an opening, and there's a monster-in-a-box chest here. Samurai Soul is most easily defeated by confusing it.
- East of the main entrance is another chest with a Punisher.
- In the main hall now, head up to Odin and examine him to get his Magicite.
- In the room to the left of that are two more chests.
- There's a hidden switch to find. Head 4 or 5 steps south from the throne and you should find a secret button. Press it. Then enter the east room.
- Here there's a hidden X-Ether in a chest. Soon enough you'll also find Blue Dragon. Beat him with Lightning.
- After that head north and examine Raiden. You can swap Odin for Raiden. Go ahead and do it.
- Note: none of the spells Odin has are unique to him, so you won't miss out on anything there. His Agility +1 bonus is the only Agility bonus in FF6 (not counting the GBA version Cactuar Esper), but honestly that's fine to give up.
- You have to work the long way out. All the way out back to Figaro.
- Now's a good time to kill Deathgaze. He's sitting on the world map in the sky in a random, stationary location.
- Note: He uses Level 5 Death, so make sure none of your guys are at a level divisible by 5.
- Fly your airship into him. The most reliable way to encounter him is to re-enter the Falcon such that it is facing north, angle it very slightly left or right (as slight as possible), and then move straight forward. You should be mapping out the entire sky, and eventually, you'll run into him.
- When you finally do, use Fire. He'll retreat, but any damage on him is maintained. Keep running into him, and eventually, he'll die. You'll get Bahamut magicite.
Ragnarok and Cursed Shield in Narshe
- Now that you have Locke, go back to Narshe, as he can open any of the locked doors.
- Enter the weapon shop and head into the back room. You'll get a choice between Ragnarok the Sword or the Esper. I suggest getting the Esper, it's a much better option broadly as it lets anyone on your party learn Ultima. So grab the Esper, unless you really really want the Lightbringer sword later.
- You can also enter a house north of the weapon shop, and speak to an old man there for a Cursed Shield. The Cursed Shield gives its wearer a bunch of status effects, and lowers stats. however, if you can win 256 battles with it equipped, it'll eventually turn into the Paladin's Shield, one of the best in the game.
- Give the wearer of the Cursed Shield a Ribbon to help with the Statuses. Also note that you can go ahead and swap the shield to other characters, it doesn't reset the counter or anything.
Time to Train
- At this point, you should consider teaching most of your characters Flare/Ultima, and doing some leveling. There are 3 more enemies to get on the world map. The forest on the large NE continent has some of the strongest enemies in the game, and is good for training.
- Tumbleweed (plains around Dinosaur Forest)
- Tyrannosaur (Dinosaur Forest)
- Brachiosaur (Dinosaur Forest)
- Make sure to give Espers that raise stats upon level up. Also, the Stamina Stat is useless, don't bother training it.
- Honestly at this point, I recommend leveling up your stats and magic at the Dinosaur forest if you haven't already. It'll simply make everything else much easier. And you have good Espers to get good stats at this point. Boost magic especially. Having at least 4 characters that can nuke with Flare/Ultima is never a bad thing. You can work on making the Cursed Shield the Paladin's Shield while you are at it.
- If you are playing the GBA version, you can get Leviathan/Cactuar/Gilgamesh now, but that's outside the scope of this guide.
Cultist's Tower
- In the Cultist's Tower, honestly I recommend using Ultima to nuke everything. Also before you come here, make sure at least one person has learned Reraise.
- Also, having 3 or 4 Reflect Rings will help a lot (can buy in many places, including Thamasa)
- Level 10 Magic (1st/2nd/3rd screens)
- Level 20 Magic (1st/2nd screens)
- Level 30 Magic (1st/2nd/3rd screens)
- Level 40 Magic (1st/2nd/3rd screens)
- Level 50 Magic (2nd/3rd screens)
- Level 60 Magic (2nd/3rd/4th screens)
- Level 70 Magic (3rd Screen)
- Level 80 Magic (4th Screen)
- Level 90 Magic (4th Screen)
- Magic Urn (anywhere)
- Head up the tower and enter the first door for a chest with Safety Bit. Hit a hidden button to the right of the chest.
- Head down a bit into a secret door with Air Anchor. This should be Edgar's last Tool item.
- Continue heading up and enter a third room with a Genji Shield.
- Continue heading up and enter a fourth room with a Kagenui Knife and a Holy Dragon. If you have Reflect Rings, this thing is literally harmless.
- Continue heading up for a 5th room with a Force Armor.
- At the top, you'll grab the last chest with a Soul of Thamasa.
- When you head back down, you'll fight Magic Master. If you have Reflect, he's easy. However, make sure you cast Reraise on at least one character, as he'll use Ultima as a desperation move, likely wiping your party. We've got a full page detailing a Magic Master boss strategy if that helps.
- You have to work your way back down the long way.
Duncan's Cabin
- Enter Duncan's House NE of Narshe with Sabin for a scene where he'll learn Phantom Rush.
- Enter a cabin on the Dinosaur Forest continent with Gau for an optional scene.
Thamasa / Ebot's Rock
- Enter Thamasa with Strago and Relm. After a scene, you can enter Ebot's Rock north of Thamasa.
- There are no items here, but there are enemies.
- Moonform (any room)
- Creature (any room)
- Medusa Chicken (non-coral rooms)
- Sorath (non-coral rooms)
- Warlock (non-coral rooms)
- Aspidochelon (coral chest rooms only)
- Mahadeva (coral chest rooms only)
- This is a semi-random dungeon. Basically, what you want to do is collect at least 22 pieces of coral from chests, and THEN feed them to the talking chest. If you feed him less, you have to start over. Just keep openings chests and stepping on buttons to switch rooms. Chests will reload upon moving from room to room, you can't miss anything.
- I suggest getting the enemy list and then placing Mog with Mogulu's Charm in your party so you don't have to worry about encounters.
- Once that's done, you'll fight Hidon. MAKE SURE to get Grand Delta from Hidon, it's the only place you can get the Lore. Use Fire (or Ultima, just nuke him). However, make sure you have Strago learn Grand Delta form Hidon, and it's the only place to get it.
- Again, MAKE SURE to get Grand Delta from Hidon.
Opera House
- Head to the opera house. Talk to Impresario, then NE to the stage hand. Press the third switch. You'll fight Earth Dragon. Nuke him.
- Make a save, and wager a Megaelixir at coliseum to fight Siegfried (you get one in Kefka's Tower if you don't have one now), in order to add him to your bestiary.
25. Kefka's Tower Final Dungeon
Kefka's Tower - Enemy List
- Since this dungeon is long, let me list the enemy list first. None of these are missable, obviously.
- This is roughly in the order you'll encounter them. The dungeon is done by using three separate teams.
- Kefka's Tower (outside, any party)
- Vector Lythos
- Primeval Dragon
- Great Malboro
- Great Behemoth
- Inside area, looks like Magitek Factory (Team 1)
- Junk
- Metal Hitman
- Duel Armor
- Fortis
- Inside area, looks like a jail/bathroom (Team 2)
- Demon Knight
- Cherry
- Yojimbo
- Outsider
- Dark Force
- Note: Dark Force is a great enemy for learning Lores. More on this later.
- Inside Area, looks like Magitek Factory (Team 2)
- Mover
- Mud Suud
- Small Room Before Gold Dragon (team 2)
- Vector Chimera
- Gold Dragon Room (Team 2)
- Ahriman
- Daedalus
- Magitek Catwalk Area (Team 3)
- Gamma
- InnoSent
- Prometheus
- Magitek Factory Area Tteam 3)
- Death Machine
- Duel Armor (If you don't have already)
- Fortis (If you don't have already)
- Small Room Before Gold Dragon (Team 3)
- Landworm
- Skull Dragon's Room (Team 3)
- Dark Force (If you don't have already)
- Tube Room (Team 1)
- Fortis (If you don't have already)
- InnoSent (If you don't have already)
- Death Machine (If you don't have already)
- Metal Hitman (If you don't have already)
- Room right after Tube Room (Team 1)
- Fiend Dragon
Strago Lore
- Before doing anything else, I suggest grabbing a few of Strago's Lores. Place him into Team 2 and continue until you get to the jail/bathroom. Here you can fight Dark Force.
- You can get three Lore here. You simply have to wait for Dark Force to use these. Check here for more details.
- Reflect ???
- Quasar
- Lv. ? Holy (if you didn't get from Alluring Rider)
- Once you have those, use Teleport to leave and reset. I suggest placing Strago in Team 1. Now we'll continue through the dungeon for real.
Dungeon Walkthrough
- Team 1
- Follow the path and grab a Hypno Crown (1/16). Continue along the parth and you'll find a Fixed Dice (2/16). You'll eventually end up stuck on the other side of a switch.
- Team 2
- Follow the path into a door. Head W for a Minerna Bustier (3/16). Continue along the path to a fork. Head N for a Pinwheel (4/16), then head S.
- In the restroom/jail area, you'll see a boss in the left cell. This is Ultima Buster. Nuke him.
- Head S and follow the path. You'll eventually see two tubes, take the left one. You'll end up back outside.
- Head SW for a Force Shield (5/16). Then head S into the nearby door. This is the room where Team 1 is. Grab the Ribbon (6/16) and hit the switch, then leave.
- Back outside, grab the Force Armor to the W (7/16), then head into the E doorway.
- You'll run into Gold Dragon. Nuke him.
- Continue on and you'll end up on a switch.
- Team 3
- Follow the path, open the chest for a Red Cap (8/16). Enter the door and continue north until you get to a catwalk room. There is a chest for Nutkin Suit (9/16) and Gauntlet (10/16).
- Backtrack to the south back outside and you'll find another door further S. Enter and continue heading W. You'll see a chest with Hero's Ring (11/16).
- There's a hidden path to the S here. Grab an Aegis Shield (12/16).
- Continue N and you'll soon see a Save Point. SAVE. You'll fight Inferno at the stairs to the W. Nuke him.
- Continue S and you'll be outside. Grab the Megalixer (13/16). Hit the sparkle chest to open a path for Team 1). Head N to grab a Rainbow Brush (14/16), then loop around into the door.
- Head N and fight Skull Dragon. Nuke him. Continue on and you'll end up on a Switch.
- Team 1
- Head S and continue along the path. You'll eventually see a chest with Pinwheel (15/16).
- You'll reunite with your teams. You'll end up pressing some switches and each Team will take on a boss.
- Button Puzzle / Team Split
- I suggest having Strago in Team 1, as there's another missable Lore for him to get.
- Have Team 1 enter the center room, go left and push the 4T block down (move Team 2 out of the way)
- Have Team 2 head up, go right, and push the 4T block down (move Team 3 out of the way)
- Have Team 3 head up and push the middle button (put Team 1 and Team 2 on their buttons), then have Team 3 go down to press one last button outside.
- Team 1 on left, Team 2 on right, Team 3 in middle
- Left: Fiend (can steal Safety Bit, ONLY PLACE FOR STRAGO TO LEARN FORCE FIELD)
- Right: Goddess (can steal Minerva Bustier)
- Middle: Guardian (can steal Force Armor or Ribbon), Demon (can steal Red Jacket)
- The last chest is hidden to the South of Demon, with a Ribbon (16/16).
- I suggest having Strago in Team 1, as there's another missable Lore for him to get.
- When you place each Team on their final button. You'll fight the Final Boss.
- IMO, just nuke him with a bunch of Ultima at this point.
- Congrats! You should have gotten all the achievements for Final Fantasy VI! At the time of writing, there's some glitches with regards to this, but hopefully these are ironed out soon.
- Note, once you beat the game, you'll be prompted to make a clear save, which will bring you out of the dungeon as if you've completed everything up until the Final Boss encounter itself. Use this opportunity to collect anything you might have missed at this point.
All done? It's time for another adventure! Here's the rest of our Minimalist Final Fantasy Walkthrough series: