Bravely Default II Walkthrough - Card Binder List
For those going above and beyond reaching the credits of Bravely Default II, here is a full list of every B 'n' D card in the game, in the order they appear in the Lore menu's 'Card Binder'. This card game is reasonably fun, but it doesn't interface much with the main parts of the game. It's used when you want to unlock the Gambler job, and gathering every card in the game only gets you a mediocre accessory, the Card Sharp’s Case. In any case, here's where to get every B 'n' D card:

Monster Cards
No. 001 Goblin
Family: Humanoid
Obtained From: Little Boy in Savalon
No. 002 Goblin Chopper
Family: Humanoid
Obtained From: Little Girl in Halcyonia
No. 003 Goblin Archer
Family: Humanoid
Obtained From: Young Man in Enderno - Near Rimedhal
No. 004 Orc
Family: Humanoid
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Little Boy in Savalon (And Others)
No. 005 Orc Leader
Family: Humanoid
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 006 Orc Chieftain
Family: Humanoid
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: King Vernon - Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 007 Orc Lord
Family: Humanoid
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Adventurous Boy in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald
No. 008 Wolf
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Soldier in Savalon
No. 009 Ratbitt
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Young Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon
No. 010 Grizzly
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 011 Diatryma
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Little Girl in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 012 Golden Bear
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 013 Yeti
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Young Man in Holograd (And Others)
No. 014 Uniconey
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Galahad - Wiswald
No. 015 Catoblepas
Family: Beast
Obtained From: Dromed - Palace Dungeons in Savalon
No. 016 Vesp
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 017 Sandworm
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Young Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 018 Killer Ant
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Young Women in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 019 Razor Vesp
Family: Insect
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 020 Staggermoth
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Soldier in Rimedhal
No. 021 Jormungandr
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Galahad - Wiswald
No. 022 Abyss Worm
Family: Insect
Obtained From: Galahad - Wiswald
No. 023 Sahagin
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia
No. 024 Flannacotta
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Young Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 025 Lotl
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Young Woman in Wiswald
No. 026 Gelaflan
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 027 Dagon
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Old Woman in Halcyonia
No. 028 Rock Tortoise
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Young Man in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald (And Others)
No. 029 Sibilus
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Young Woman in Holograd
No. 030 Adamant Tortoise
Family: Aquatic
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Man in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 031 Genbu
Family: Aquatic
Obtained From: Adventurous Boy in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald
No. 032 Fresh Forkling
Family: Plant
Obtained From: Little Girl in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 033 Ochu
Family: Plant
Obtained From: Old Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 034 Veronica
Family: Plant
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 035 Fungoo
Family: Plant
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Woman in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 036 Mantrap
Family: Plant
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Young Man in Enderno - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 037 Devil’s Snare
Family: Plant
Obtained From: King Vernon - Royal Palace in Halcyonia
No. 038 Rafflesia
Family: Plant
Obtained From: Adventurous Boy in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald
No. 039 Ahriman
Family: Demon
Obtained From: Old Woman at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 040 Asp
Family: Demon
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 041 Vishno
Family: Demon
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Old Woman in Enderno - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 042 Baphomet
Family: Demon
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 043 Abaddon
Family: Demon
Obtained From: Dromed - Palace Dungeons in Savalon
No. 044 Asmodeus
Family: Demon
Weakening actually strengthens this card.
Obtained From: Galahad - Wiswald (And Others)
No. 045 Amon
Family: Demon
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Martha in Serpent’s Grotto - Near Rimedhal
No. 046 Ghost Knight
Family: Undead
Obtained From: Young Man at Royal Palace in Savalon
No. 047 Lost Souls
Family: Undead
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 048 Nightmare
Family: Undead
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Priest at Place of Judgement in Rimedhal.
No. 050 Goliath
Family: Undead
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Young Man in Holograd (And Others)
No. 051 Sleipnir
Family: Undead
Weakening actually strengthens this card.
Obtained From: Galahad - Wiswald (And Others)
No. 052 Aqua Element
Family: Spirit
Obtained From: Little GIrl in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 053 Sylph
Family: Spirit
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 054 Cait Sith
Family: Spirit
Obtained From: Young Man in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald
No. 055 Golem
Family: Spirit
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Obtained From: Young Man in Enderno - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 056 Kitty-Cait
Family: Spirit
Loses extra squares when weakened.
Gains extra squares when strengthened.\
Obtained From: Young Man in Holograd (And Others)
No. 057 Chaos
Family: Spirit
Obtained From: Soldier in Holograd
No. 058 King Wiki-WIki
Family: Spirit
Obtained From: MIddle-Aged Man in Holograd
Job Cards
No. 059 Beastmaster
Effect: Rare Breeds
Strengthens all beast and insect cards, regardless of affiliation. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 065 Berserker
Effect: Reinforce
Once placed, triggered when opponent occupies more than ten squares. STrengthens you job cards. Extended effect. Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 066 Bastion
Effect: Reinforce
Only triggered when opponent occupies thirteen squares. Strengthened when placed, and cannot be strengthened any other way. One-time effect.
Obtained From: Soldier in Holograd
No. 070 Phantom
Effect: Undermine
All job cards and character cards and weakened, regardless of affiliation. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Adventurous Boy in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald
No. 072 Vanguard
Effect: Fortify Position
Strengthens the squares to the left and right of its base square, regardless of their affiliation. One -time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 073 Dragoon
Effect: Fortify Position
When this card is used to flank, all squares that become yours as a result are strengthened. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 077 Ranger
Effect: Scorched Earth
When this card is used to flank, It poisons the squares either side of its base square, regardless of affiliation. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 078 Spiritmaster
Effect: Scorched Earth
Turns all strengthened opposing squares into poisoned squares. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Savalon (And Others)
No. 080 Bard
Effect: Stay Hand
Opponent cannot use humanoid, beast or aquatic cards next turn. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Old Woman at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 081 Pictomancer
Effect: Stay Hand
Once placed, prevents any card that occupies two squares in addition to its base square from being played. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Man in Enderno - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 082 Oracle
Effect: Stay Hand
Opponent cannot use plant, undead or demon cards next turn. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Man in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 082 Hellblade
Effect: Stay Hand
No character cards can be placed, regardless of affiliation. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 085 White Mage
Effect: Cleanse
Cancels opponent’s extended effect at random. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Little GIrl in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 086 Salve-Maker
Effect: Cleanse
Cures all squares of poison, regardless of affiliation, and prevents any more squares from being poisoned. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Priest at Place of Judgement in Rimedhal
No. 087 Arcanist
Effect: Cleanse
Neutralises all your opponent’s poisoned squares. Cures and strengthens all you poisoned squares. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier in Holograd.
No. 091 Monk
Effect: Counter
Opponent cannot see this card’s token. WHen opponent places a character card, that card’s effects are cancelled, and all of its non-base squares become yours. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 092 Thief
Effect: Counter
Opponent cannot see this card’s token. When opponent plays a card with a Stay Hand effect, its effects are cancelled, and the card’s base squares become yours. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 096 Black Mage
Effect: Territorial Gains
Every square neutralised during your turn results in you occupying a square above this card’s base square. Ignores neutralisations caused by this card’s effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Little Boy in Savalon (And Others)
No. 097 Swordmaster
Effect: Territorial Gains
When this card causes a neutralisation, the squares to the left, right, and above its ased square become yours. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Woman in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 099 Red Mage
Effect: Brave
Once placed, only triggered when you have three cards left in your hand. Allows you to play an extra card - character cards only. One-time effect.
Obtained From: Little GIrl in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 100 Bravebearer
Effect: Brave
Once placed, triggered when you have two cards left in your hand. Allows you to place an extra card. One-time effect.
Obtained From: Fairy in Mag Mell. She’s in the lower-rear area once you pass behind the building, only in Chapter 7.
No. 102 Shieldmaster
Effect: Default
Card is returned to your hand at the end of the turn. Effect triggered only when you are playing first, and only once per battle.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Savalon (And Others)
No. 103 Gambler
Effect: Reversal
Selects an opponent’s square at random and swaps it with this card’s base square. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 105 Freelancer
Effect: The Long Game
Cannot be strengthened until card binder is complete, at which point it is permanently strengthened.
Obtained From: Little Girl in Halcyonia.
Character Cards
No. 060 Shirley
Effect: Rare Breeds
Strengthens all humanoid and spirit cards, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 061 Folie
Effect: Rare Breeds
Strengthens all undead and demon cards, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Gains extra squares when strengthened.
Obtained From: Little Girl in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 062 Orpheus
Effect: Ill Breeding
Weakens all humanoid and beast cards, regardless of affiliation. Extended effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Little Girl in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 063 Anihal
Effect: Ill Breeding
Weakens aquatic undead and demon cards, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Old Woman at Gaming Hall in Savalon.
No. 064 Lily
Effect: Ill Breeding
Weakens aquatic plant and insect cards, regardless of affiliation. Extended effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Young Man in Great Tree Hollow - Wiswald (And Others)
No. 067 Prince Castor
Effect: Reinforce
Strengthens all plant, aquatic and character cards, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Old Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 068 Helio
Effect: Reinforce
Strengthens all job cards, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Middle-Aged Man in Wiswald.
No. 069 Lonsdale
Effect: Reinforce
Weakens any of your opponent’s cards that can occupy three squares in addition to their base squares, and strengthens any of your cards that can occupy two squares in addition to their base squares. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Man in Holograd (And Others)
No. 071 Bernard
Effect: Co-Opt Cards
Switches the target of the effect of the opponent’s next card from yourself to your opponent of vice versa. If the card does not have a targeted effect, its base square becomes yours. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 074 Horten
Effect: Fortify Position
When this card causes a neutralisation, neutralised squares become yours, and this card’s non-base squares are strengthened. One-time effect. Triggered when placed. Both strengthening and weakening reduce the card to occupying its base square only. vice versa. If the card does not have a targeted effect, its base square becomes yours. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Man at Gaming Hall in Savalon (And Others)
No. 075 Selene
Effect: Fortify Position
Cures and strengthens all poisoned squares, regardless of affiliation. All future poisonings will strengthen squares instead. Permanent. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Young Woman in Wiswald.
No. 076 Galahad
Effect: Fortify Position
Whenever a square is neutralised, another square is selected at random and strengthed, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 079 Lady Emma
Effect: Scorched Earth
Poisons one square at random at the end of each player’s turn. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Young Woman in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 084 Adam
Effect: Stay Hand
For the rest of this battle, cards that can occupy three or more squares in addition to their base square cannot be placed, regardless of affiliation. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Martha in Serpent’s Grotto - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 088 Glenn
Cancels all Stay Hand effects, regardless of who they affect, and prevents any more Stay Hand effects from being triggered. Permanent effect. Triggered when used.
Obtained From: Dromed - Palace Dungeons in Savalon.
No. 089 Domenic
Effect: Cleanse
Once placed, triggers when the total number of occupied squares reaches thirteen. Cancels all opponent’s extended effects along with all permanent effects. One-time effect.
Obtained From: Martha in Serpent’s Grotto - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 090 Marla
Effect: Cleanse
The Counter effect is not triggered by placing this card. One of your opponent’s Counter effects is selected at random and cancelled. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Martha in Serpent’s Grotto - Near Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 093 Dag
Effect: Counter
Opponent can see this card. Triggered when one of your squares is flanked. Causes the flanking to affect this card’s base square instead. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 094 Roddy
Effect: Counter
Opponent cannot see this card’s token. Monster cards placed by opponent are weakened. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Researcher at Institute of Magical Inquiry in Wiswald (And Others)
No. 095 Vigintio
Effect: Counter
Opponent cannot see this card’s token. When conditions for defeat are met, two cards are added to each player’s hand, and the game continues. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: King Vernon - Royal Palace in Halcyonia (And Others)
No. 098 Martha
Effect: Territorial Gains
At the end of opponent’s turn, a neutral square is selected at random, and becomes yours. Extended effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier in Rimedhal (And Others)
No. 101 Sir Sloan
Effect: Brave
Opponent cannot see this card’s token. Triggered when opponent flanks a square. Opponent must then play another card. Extended effect.
Obtained From: Fairy in Mag Mell. She’s in the lower-rear area once you pass behind the building, only in Chapter 7.
No. 104 Gladys
Effect: No Man’s Land
When this card is placed, five opposing squares and two of your squares are selected at random and neutralised, as well as this card’s base square. One-time effect. Triggered when placed.
Obtained From: Soldier at Royal Palace in Savalon (And Others)
Bravely Default 2 Guide Index
- Chapter 0 - Prologue
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Monster Guide List
- Item Guide List
- Weapon Guide List
- Armour Guide List
- Card Binder List [You Are Here]