Yakuza: Like a Dragon Guides

Find out how much you'll have to re-do in Like A Dragon's second playthrough.
guide by George Foster on 17 November, 2020

Get a quick boost to your personality traits with Honk-Honk.
guide by George Foster on 17 November, 2020

How to get some pocket tissue toilet paper for the guy who got caught short - and get some neat rewards.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 14 November, 2020

The Sotenbori Battle Arena calls your name.
guide by George Foster on 14 November, 2020

How to make millions in Ijincho quickly.
guide by George Foster on 13 November, 2020

Save the life of Nancy the Crawfish with a Premium Sushi Set in this side quest.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 13 November, 2020

Every job, what they're good at, and our picks for the best jobs for every character.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 12 November, 2020

Locations for and how to complete all 52 substories in Like a Dragon, plus their rewards.
guide by George Foster on 11 November, 2020

Get Ichiban the best help money can buy with Like A Dragon's version of summons- Poundmates.
guide by George Foster on 10 November, 2020

Keep your allies powered up with drink dates and fighting.
guide by George Foster on 10 November, 2020

Here's how to get Eri, the missable, optional extra party member in Like a Dragon.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 November, 2020

Track down 10 statues to get your hands on 2 million Yen - and our guide will help you track down all ten Kappa Statues.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 November, 2020

Here's all of the cat locations for this missing cats quest which has a massive 2 million yen and summon reward.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 November, 2020

Here's how to quickly and efficiently level up Ichiban's personality stats: Passion, Confidence, Charisma, Kindness, Intellect, and Style.
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 November, 2020

Every exam answer for every question of every test at Yakuza's new vocational school quiz mini-game - be top of the class!
guide by RPG Site Staff on 09 November, 2020