Nioh 2 News - Page 3

The novel Coronavirus has added a lot of uncertainty to the world, but we recorded an episode just like usual.
podcast by Bryan Vitale on 14 March, 2020

The Teahouse also gets a new feature that lives up to its name.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 28 February, 2020

Avatar creation data from this trial can be transferred to the retail version.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 14 February, 2020

Also introducing a beautiful female yokai who plays an important part in your own character's past.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 06 February, 2020

The DLC will be similar to the first game but with a completely opposite direction.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 23 January, 2020

The final Guardian Spirit added in the first game's DLC also returns.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 16 January, 2020

A couple more characters from the first game are also returning.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 25 December, 2019

These characters also appeared in the open beta demo.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 08 November, 2019

Nioh 2 launches early next year.
news by Adam Vitale on 30 October, 2019

Their guardian spirits will eventually become available for the player to equip.
news by Kite Stenbuck on 17 October, 2019