Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series Guides

This handy guide has tips for all of the FF3 bosses, suitable for NES or the Pixel Remaster alike.
guide by Alex Donaldson and James Galizio on 25 April, 2023

The Magic Master is an ominous and challenging enemy, but with the right strategy you can shred this FF6 boss in minutes.
guide by James Galizio on 22 April, 2023

Summons make a triumphant return in FF6 as Espers. To unlock them, you'll need their Magicite. This guide has all Esper locations to do so - and more.
guide by James Galizio on 22 April, 2023

The Coliseum isn't just a way to pass time - it's actually one of the ways to get many of the best items in FF6. We'll help you to place the best bets to win the best stuff.
guide by James Galizio on 21 April, 2023

Here's a (relatively) quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy VI.
guide by Adam Vitale on 07 March, 2022

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy V.
guide by Adam Vitale on 04 December, 2021

Many of FF5's bosses can pack a punch. Learn how to punch back.
guide by Quinton O'Connor on 14 November, 2021

Learn the coolest techniques and the snazziest spells that three vast realms have to offer.
guide by Scott White and Alex Donaldson on 11 November, 2021

Every spell for FF5's game-changing blue mage class, and how to learn them as early as possible.
guide by Alex Donaldson and Quinton O'Connor on 11 November, 2021

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy IV
guide by Adam Vitale and Alex Donaldson on 14 September, 2021

Every summon in the 2D version of FF4, plus how to unlock them and what their powers are.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 05 September, 2021

Here's all the jobs in the 2D version of FF3, plus some picks for the best jobs in the game.
guide by Alex Donaldson and Adam Vitale on 09 August, 2021

Here's a quick step-by-step guide to getting through the Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy III
guide by Adam Vitale on 03 August, 2021

Here is our quick step-by-step walkthrough of Final Fantasy 2, noting missable chests and bestiary entries for those hoping to 100% the game.
guide by Adam Vitale on 01 August, 2021

A complete FF1 walkthrough - everything you need to know to complete the Warrior of Light's adventure.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 29 July, 2021

Maps for every dungeon, town, and major location in FF1.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 July, 2021

How to upgrade to the advanced jobs and classes of Knight, Master, Ninja, and the three Wizards.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 July, 2021

Every magic spell in FF1, how to get them, replenish them, and what they do.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 July, 2021

What should you call your Warrior of Light party? Well, it's a tough decision...
guide by Alex Donaldson on 28 July, 2021

Final Fantasy II is a bit different than your traditional classic RPG. Here we explain how it works.
guide by Adam Vitale on 28 July, 2021

Ever since the Pixel Remaster titles were announced, one of the biggest complaints has been the font. Luckily, with a few tweaks, you can have a much clearer and readable text!
guide by Scott White on 28 July, 2021

Every weapon in FF1, how to get them all, and some picks for the best weapons in the game.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 July, 2021

The first Final Fantasy also features our first glimpse at the classic FF job system, of a sort. Here's the six job classes, how they stack up, and what team compositions work best.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 July, 2021

How to beat every boss in FF1, from the fiends to Chaos himself.
guide by Alex Donaldson on 27 July, 2021